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My boyfriend still has his Facebook status as "single" and I feel a bit bothered

I've been with my boyfriend for 4 months now. In the first month, it was quite whirlwind and we weren't sure where it was going so didn't label it for a while. During that time, I'd had my relationship status on Facebook saying "single", but I didn't want to be announcing online "it's complicated" or writing "in a relationship" when I wasn't sure yet, so I decided to just hide my relationship status completely so that no one could see it. Then when we finally agreed to start calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend, I just decided to leave my status private as I still wasn't bothered to announce my romantic going-ons to everyone on Facebook.

My boyfriend has a similar idea, except that he has always kept his status saying "single". I've questioned him about it a few times and he says he can't be bothered to change it, and that he doesn't really take Facebook that seriously. He also says that i shouldn't worry about girls looking at his profile and chatting him up as that never happens. Fair enough that I don't really mind us not writing the whole "X is in a relationship with Y" on Facebook, as everyone who needs to know about our relationship already knows from me or him telling them, and random acquaintances on Facebook need not pry. But I just can't help disliking that he's written that he's single when it's untrue and feels a bit dismissive of me. I'd rather he'd just hide his relationship status like I have mine.

Then again, he does have other stuff on his profile that's untrue and just written as a joke, like a fake surname, fake place of birth, fake birthday, fake job and fake university. And he is a good boyfriend to me and treats me well, so maybe I should stop being bothered about something so minor like stuff he puts online, and just take it with a pinch of salt? After all, I guess it's what happens offline in life that's more important? Maybe I have already answered my own question lol, but I felt like writing my thoughts down anyway. Anyone with advice?

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