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Would you date someone with an eating disorder?

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I have been with my boyfriend over a year and it got pretty serious, planning buying a house and weddings ect.

He took me away to Brighton for a romantic night away Thursday, had a lovely day.. Then got back to the hotel and he told me he didn't love me anymore

I then ran away, got the 3 hour train home and I literally just feel heartbroken. I have never felt pain like this and he's not spoke to me since, not contacted me or my family to see if I got home okay or anything.

I just want advice how I can deal with the pain, I know it sounds silly but I literally feel so so heartbroken, like I'm. Not a person anymore.

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How to fix ****** sleeping pattern for school tomorrow?

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Normally sleep at 3 and wake up at 12/1.

Need to be asleep by 1 tonight anyhelp?


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Would it make sense to be pessimistic about a relationship?

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Not that I am in one, but hypothetically speaking if I was I would constantly be thinking about how this could never work or I'd be gotten rid off at the soonest opportunity.

And before anyone makes the joke....

"Not that I am in one"

No wonder with that mentality :^)


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Chances of long term fwb to relationship lasting?

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Basically, my friend has been in an fwb for 1.5 years. After pressure from friends they are now going out, but it wasn't him coming up to her and asking for a relationship, it was only with significant pressure (maybe because he could sense her dissatisfaction and wanted to keep the sex)?

Are the chances of such a relationship lasting high?


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Coming out problem

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Hey everyone. I've got a real coming out problem. I'm a 19 year old guy and I've still not told anybody I'm gay. Nobody suspects it because I don't act in an obviously gay way, I don't have gay mannerisms nor the typical gay high voice, so i'm apparently straight. I've also had a relationship with a girl in the past for nearly 3 years with many break ups. This relationship ended because although I absolutely loved the girl, i couldn't love her on that sexual level. I stayed with her for companionship. People suspected I was gay when I was a child (I wore high heels and pretended I was cruella devill LOL) but they were reassured when I went out with my girlfriend. I realised I was gay when I seemed to find guys more attractive than girls. I'm not interested in girls at all nor am I fascinated by boobs.

I'm really scared about talking to my dad about this - my mum died years ago and he's a single parent. I have no siblings so he'll never be a grandad, he won't be at my wedding when I kiss my bride. My dad doesn't really like gay people, he makes fun of them all the time (they're easy to make fun of with the way they're portrayed), and I don't know if he'll accept me. It makes me uncomfortable when he talks about me getting a girlfriend, when he taps me saying "that girls looking at you over there". I just give him the excuse that I "don't like humans" and pretend to act antisocial. I feel like I can't be myself around others and I feel socially awkward, like I have to monitor all my actions so people don't suspect I'm gay.

Any of you guys had similar experiences? I would really appreciate some advice, i want to come out because the problem will only get worse when I get to university. I feel awkward when girls look at me as though they're attracted to me because I am an okay looking guy..

Thank you for any comments/support!


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Just been semi rejected...

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...want to cry but can't :(


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At the end of my tether...

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I honestly feel like I'm killing myself by staying at home with my family any longer. I'm a couple of weeks away from heading back to Uni, but it feels like an eternity.

I've been seeing a therapist over the last couple of months to help me deal with my anxiety and anger... but frankly it hasn't worked. I've lied to him. I told him I felt much better, but in fact I feel worse than ever.

My family is totally and utterly dysfunctional. My dad is a slob, he's a ****ing ******* and I hate his guts. I've loathed him for years. He's a sad and pathetic excuse of a man and he is exceptionally contentious. Everything has to revolve around him... everyone HAS to agree with him or **** will hit the fan... he is never wrong.

My mum, bless her sould, can't stand up for herself. She's an extremely hard worker and probably avoids conflict because it just puts more pressure on her... but she's left the family in ruins.

I'm fed up with all of it... it's horrible. They're the ones who have caused my anxiety and anger, not me ... they are to blame!

I can't wait to **** off from here.


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White guy with an afro, would you find it weird?

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Im not Caucasian but im paled skin and have blonde hair that grows like an afro. I hace noticed alot of people stare and some people have pointed out it looks odd. I keep it short now but thinking of growing it again.


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Where to go for a first date?

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First date ideas...


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jual obat pelancar haid solo 082136391952 obat aborsi usia kehamilan 1-5 bulan

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HUBUNGI ADMIN CP : 082136391952 ATAU BBM PIN 233C1481
Pasangan anda terlambat haid atau terlambat bulan ?Usia keterlambatan 1, 2, 3 bulan atau mungkin lebih ?Jangan khawatir ! Segera diatasi menggunakan obat ini. Obat yang sangat ampuh untuk menggugurkan janin dalam kandungan anda dalam waktu 24 jam dengan tingkat keberhasilan 100% bersih tuntas tanpa kuret dan aman.Kami menjual obat aborsi yang bisa menggugurkan janin dalam kandungan anda sampai usia maksimal 8 bulan. Janin sekuat apapun pasti gugur, bersih tanpa kuret. Obat yang kami jual berkualitas, bergaransi, harga terjangkau dan yang jelas hasilnya tidak akan mengecewakan anda. Tanpa efek samping dikemudian hari dan aman.Pemakaian obat ini sangat mudah tanpa bantuan medis ataupun bantuan dokter. Cara selengkapnya sudah ada lengkap didalam paket obat yang kami jual ini.
Cara Menghitung Usia Kehamilan AndaSecara pasti adalah dimulai pada hari anda melakukan hubungan intim tanpa pengaman (kondom atau kontrasepsi lainnya) untuk pertama kalinya sejak berakhirnya haid terakhir anda sampai dengan saat anda memesan obat. Tetapi jika anda lupa atau kurang yakin dengan tanggal kejadian tersebut, maka untuk aman dan pastinya kami menyarankan untuk menghitung dimulai dari hari terakhir haid anda yang terakhir.Cara yang lain yang bisa digunakan adalah dengan mendeteksi gerakan janin. Jika anda merasakan gerakan janin dalam perut maka dipastikan sudah ada dalam usia 18 sampai 20 minggu. Hal ini berlaku bagi mereka yang baru pertama kali hamil. Sementara pada kehamilan selanjutnya, biasanya janin mulai bergerak saat usia kehamilan memasuki minggu ke 16 sampai 18.
Jangan Pilih Yang Lain !Anda tidak akan pernah salah tempat jika membeli dari kami. Tidak ada unsur penipuan dan yang jelas tidak mengecewakan. Kami siap membantu mengatasi masalah anda sampai tuntas. Hanya kami penjual obat aborsi terpercaya dan bersihaman.
Hati - Hati Penipuan. Teliti Sebelum Membeli !Berikut ini kami informasikan beberapa tips yang dapat membantu anda untuk membedakan penjual yang asli dan yang palsu atau penipuan agar anda tidak salah tempat membeli.
Silahkan di teliti semua foto obat yang ada di website kami dan bandingkan saja dengan website penjual yang lain. Foto obat ditempat kami adalah foto obat asli, jumlah foto obat juga banyak dan sangat jelas. Tulisan yang terdapat di foto obat ditulis menggunakan tulisan tangan dan tidak menggunakan ketikan komputer atau editan komputer. Ini adalah bukti jelas bahwa kami mempunyai obatnya.
Tidak seperti di website lainnya yang hanya bisa mengambil dengan mudah foto obat ataupun gambar obat dari media internet. Dari foto ataupun gambar tersebut hanya di edit saja dan ditulis menggunakan ketikan keyboard komputer. Cara-cara tersebut sudah banyak sekali digunakan untuk penipuan penjualan obat aborsi atau obat telat bulan online di media internet dan jejaring sosial. Bandingkan saja foto ditempat kami dengan website penjual yang lain (jumlah foto obat yang ditampilkan di website mereka juga tidak sebanyak seperti di website kami.
AWAS PENIPUAN! Jangan percaya jika ada yang menampilkan bukti testimonial ataupun komentar pasien yang ada di website (baik itu berupa bukti dari sms, melalui bbm, line, whatsapp, facebook ataupun twitter). Itu sudah jelas penipuan! Aborsi di indonesia itu ilegal dan tidak akan ada pasien yang aborsi mau di publikasikan data diri mereka ataupun diketahui alamat lengkap mereka.
AWAS PENIPUAN! Jangan percaya jika ada website yang menampilkan bukti resi atau nomor resi pengiriman paket. Apalagi sampai ada yang menampilkan foto packing paket atau bungkus paket obat yang disertai dengan tulisan nama dan alamat pengiriman paket ke pasien mereka. Itu jelas penipuan karena identitas pasien sangat dirahasiakan dan tidak di publikasikan! dari nomor resi pengiriman paket tersebut alamat pasien yang aborsi bisa dilacak atau diketahui dimana alamat lengkapnya. Tidak akan ada pasien yang aborsi mau di ketahui identitas mereka.
AWAS PENIPUAN! Bisa Cash On Delivery (C.O.D) atau ketemuan pihak pembeli dan penjual. Penjualan obat ini merupakan suatu yang ilegal atau dilarang di Indonesia, jadi jika ada website yang menawarkan penjualan dengan sistem C.O.D atau ketemuan, mereka tidak akan bertahan lama karena pasti akan segera tertangkap oleh pihak kepolisian. Yang sering terjadi adalah, di website mereka tertulis bisa C.O.D, tapi ketika pembeli meminta untuk C.O.D sangat banyak alasan yang dikemukakan, yaitu bahwa obat yang dijual lagi kosong atau bisa COD tapi transfer uang muka dulu (pada akhirnya obat yang dibeli tetap TIDAK DIKIRIM) dan bahkan ada yang mengatakan sudah tidak bisa C.O.D lagi padahal di website mereka jelas jelas tertulis bisa C.O.D.
AWAS PENIPUAN! Mengatasnamakan membuka klinik (khususnya untuk penjualan obat ini) jika mencantumkan nama klinik dan alamat lengkap kliniknya itu hanyalah PENIPUAN! Aborsi di Indonesia itu ilegal, Jangankan membuka klinik yang beralamat lengkap, yang C.O.D saja tertangkap oleh pihak kepolisian.
AWAS PENIPUAN! Obat ini tidak akan ada DEPKES atau BPOM karena di Indonesia aborsi tidak di izinkan atau diperbolehkan, jadi obat aborsi hanya di akui FDA USA (Food and Drug Administration). Jika ada penjual yang mengatakan sudah ada ijin depkes ataupun bpom itu jelas PENIPUAN !
PERHATIAN !SORRY NO C.O.D !Kami tidak bisa C.O.D atau ketemuan, sudah banyak pihak kepolisian yang menyamar sebagai calon pembeli !


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signs a guy likes you

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top five things a guy will do if he likes you? I feel like i'm inbetween platonic and romantic with someone, v confusing.

tell me ur experiences


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want a black guy

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any advice ??

girl wants to watch the bbc


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want a white guy

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tenks babes


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MUSLIM GUYS...are you put off by a muslim girl who's done oral

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If a muslim girl has been in only one previous relationship and has given oral although hasn't had sex with her then bf but regrets it deeply would you still be put off? Even if she has repented and does not normally behave like that? Would this put you off marrying her?

You can go on anon too so please be as honest as you can :)


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Attractive girl/guy theory...

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I swear girls ALWAYS date guys who are less attractive than them, or equally attractive.
You see guys date girls who are way better looking than them, but I have never seen a girl with a guy who was way better looking than him.

Has anyone else noticed this? Also I swear in general a far larger proportion of the population of females are an 8/10 and above than men... (did that even make sense)

Basically I am stating 2 observations. 1 is: There are far more better looking women around than there are men. 2. Women tend to date men who aren't as good looking, yet this almost never happens the other way round. Does anyone else see this?
Maybe I'm just superficial xD


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