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A really tough situation.


This is my first post in this great website, I am just writing because I am hoping you can take my emotions seriously and maybe help me.

I am a 25 years old guy from the middle-east. I do have a girlfriend that I really love, and she loves me back too. We have been in a relationship for a few years but I don't see her frequently because we live in different countries (she's Canadian). For me, traveling is not very easy because I have to deal with visa issues and things like that, not to mention that I'm currently living in Europe finishing my Master's degree study and I will return to my home country soon.

I can't move in to her country because I don't have any work offer there or anything that would allow me to permanently stay with her. She also can't move in with me because my country is unstable. So we just meet once or twice a year and that's all. Basically, we're talking here about a long-distance relationship!

I know that some people would ridicule me because of the long-distance relationship thing. Some people think of it as a joke. But I need to point out that our relationship is serious and we know each other very well! But on the other hand, I can't propose to her in order to move in with her because unfortunately, some middle-eastern men developed a reputation of taking advantage of western girls, they lie to them and convince them that they love them only to be able to use them for their passports or their money! Which is really sick! But I'm not like that at all because I honestly love her.

So I don't want to ask her for marriage now because if I do, it might seem like I'm using her! Or at least that's what her family thinks! (She really respects her family's opinions) and unfortunately, her family thinks of me in a stereotypical image which is not good. But I would marry her if I can prove to them that I'm not using her.

Because of all that, I've been suffering continuous anxiety and stress. I don't know what's the fate of this relationship and where it's going! I am also having horrible sexual frustration because I am faithful to her and I never have sex with anyone except with her when we meet. I've never cheated on her and I won't. Masturbation of course doesn't help!

I don't know what to do now. I keep seeing happy couples in the streets and people living together normally which makes me feel envious. I developed an inferiority complex because I feel like my girlfriend's family is judging me by my ethnicity and putting me in a stereotypical image. I started feeling that I'm not good enough and that I don't deserve her because of all the stereotyping that I'm dealing with. I just don't have an idea how to make this relationship work.

Many times I thought I'd break up with her and just move on with my life (which is going to be really painful for both of us) but I couldn't do it! Because I thought that this would be very selfish of me plus I want her so badly.

I am sorry for the long post but I just felt like writing something even if you couldn't help me. I just wanted to open up and talk to somebody about it, that's all.
Thank you!

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