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Girlfriend meeting my sister!

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So, my girlfriend will be meeting my sister for the first time tonight. And my sister plans to show her all of my embarrassing photos (pictures of me cuddling my teddy bear etc.). Should I just leave the room and let them get to know each other?


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Autistic brother is so annoying.

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You probably don't know how it feels if you don't have an autistic sibling.

1. He acts like a 2 year old, even though he's 8, screaming and throwing tantrums. Which is affecting my preparation for my A-level exams next week.

2. We can't even have nice foods in the house because it will make him hyper etc

3. I barely talk to my mother since she is busy dealing with his problems, as a result we argue often.

4. He doesn't show any love to anyone else except my mum, in his eyes we're just people who give him stuff whenever he wants it.

Any advice from people who have actually experienced this?


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Never wanted a girlfriend and still don't - 21 years old. Normal?

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As title says. Anyone else like me?

I am straight before anyone asks.


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Help to find a solution

It's a long story. Hope everyone stays with me till the end.

We got married in late 2011. Since I take care of my younger sister (my parents stay in a distant city), there where three of us at home. Me, my wife and my sister.

Soon, she started accusing me of infedility with almost every woman i know of. My sister, my mother, maid, my friend, my colleague at office, my clients, girls going on roads. List was endless.

With all the drama for over a year, I finally decided to leave (with my wife) and rent one more house near by (I am paying rent for two houses since last 2 years). This mean my sister was left alone at home, I tried hard to find room-mates, but first few months she was living alone and she used to be awake all night. After few months my mother arranged few room-mates who can stay with her.

At the same time, even after moving to a different place all these infidelity blames slowed down, but it was still happening atleast 2-3 times a week. Then I decided to visit a phsycatrist, where my wife was diagnosed with delusional disorder. We took counselling sessions for 10 months, before she decided to not continue any more. All the time she never took medicines.

Every time I tried contacting my family/friends she used to shout for hours and curse me with all bad things she can think of. This made me slowly stopped connecting/responding to my friends and parents. Now no one talk to me.

Now fast forward 2 years after leaving my house. She has left her job, and all her time goes in makeup, clothes and many false promises of how she'll work hard to take tutions or make her mark in blogging world.

My family stopped responding to my calls/messages and her too. She'd try calling them once in a quarter and then complains that she tried but they are not responding.

I almost slog 10-12 hours at work daily. My expenses are too high at home.

I feel utterly depressed and find no way of fixing this. Please help.


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Girlfriend meeting my sister!

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So, my girlfriend will be meeting my sister for the first time tonight. And my sister plans to show her all of my embarrassing photos (pictures of me cuddling my teddy bear etc.). Should I just leave the room and let them get to know each other?


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Never wanted a girlfriend and still don't - 21 years old. Normal?

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As title says. Anyone else like me?

I am straight before anyone asks.


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Best depression supplement?

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Been struggling with this for a while. Nothing seems to make me happy except getting blind drunk and receiving female validation which ironically leads me to waking up the next morning hangover with a total loss of appetite.

Therapy takes at least 3 months to get an appointment and i've been let down by the girl i was supposed to be meeting up with tonight (£60 wasted) and my mates are too busy also. I don't wanna go on meds just something that will keep me driving into a ****ing tree!
Any ideas please?


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How would you handle this?

On Wednesday elderly neighbor asked to help her with lifting a heavy grate, no issues with this what so ever. We live in a ccul-de-sac where only the five houses can park their cars there. I noticed a old modeled muscle car the last few nights, doesnt belong to any of the neighbors, at least not of my knowledge. I mentioned this to my neighbor, nothing more or nothing less than a casual " hey you know who is parking their car in our location".
Less than 24 hrs later my nextdoor neighbor wife, who i never knew her name, calls and leaves a message on my cellphone stating she hasnt lived there in 6 months and they are going through a nasty divorce, that she wants me to call her back and tell her what kind of car it was and if there is another women living in the house.
Here's what i have done so far.....nothing. I get along well with my next door neighbor. In the winter he shovels some of the front of the area i am responsible for, the spring we talk sports, very casual friendship if you can call it that. He is also a cop and has let me know if anything in the area has gone on with crime i should be concerned about.
I do not want to call him and tell him about the call i received cause i do not want to be involved at all. Plus if she gets the house in the divorce i dont want to deal with her stink eye. Who i am really annoyed with is my elderly yenta who call this woman, told her about a car that wasnt even close to the house she once lived in and gave her my cell number. Would you just ignore the whole thing? Call the wife back? Call the nextdoor neighbor cop? Call the elderly yenta and give her the what for speech?


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Trust & Faith

I wanted to say a few words about trust & faith. First, I feel the need to issue a disclaimer- this is only for about 90% of the betrayals. I know there are those 10% that are so extreme as to be considered marginally justified, so for those of you in that position, spare me (stated nicely). Next, I use the terms "marriage" and "spouse" interchangeably for those living together as well. Lastly, I am not someone trained in this, but even better than that I have been around many many years and moved in the real world with all it has to offer- both bad & good. This makes me far more able to speak on such things than polls taken at random by eggheads. This is solely my views and I will speak short and simple (as I am a simple person and not very eloquent).

The first thing to consider is how does faith & trust come about in a marriage? When 2 people marry, trust & faith simply appears out of the necessity and demands of the moment. Almost like magic. It's there because you love each other. Love begets trust & faith.

So how is it defined and what is it? Trust & faith is 100% "knowledge". The knowledge that in ones head (trust) and in ones heart (faith) they know their spouse would never, under any circumstances or disposition, betray them. They keep their eyes on their spouse and in good or bad times ultimately work together for each other's good.

So what happens to it when one betrays the other? It disappears forever. "Checking up/in" is neither trust nor faith. Nor does it build either. It is simply satisfying ones curiosity as to what their spouse is up to at that very moment in time. It only reflects that moment and can easily be manipulated. This is a fake form of trust/faith and people who accept it as the real thing are always disappointed later.

Can genuine trust & faith return? Sadly, no. That 100% knowledge is now knowledge that your spouse has, can and will betray you. In some cases while they may never actually betray again, the propensity is established as alcohol is to an alcoholic. This new knowledge replaces the old knowledge forever. Many betrayed spouses will claim to have trust, but it is either fake, minimally partial or self delusional. It is also a coping mechanism.

Why is this so? Many, if not most, of the laws around the earth arise from the Old Testament. Aside from being God's law they are full of general flawless wisdom/principles and have stood the test of time. Granted times have changed and attitudes have also changed, but the principles remain the same. Marital betrayal was a capitol offense. Why? Because betraying a spouse in this way is to, in fact, murder them. Something within a betrayed spouse dies. Be it their spirit, their self worth… a death of sorts occurs. Also, trust & faith are definitively killed forever in a betrayal. So for intentionally creating death(s) within a spouse, the penalty is equally harsh.

Well, that's it. Sorry it was so hastily put together.


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Was there a recent change in debit card regulation?

I had no idea where to post this, so by default it ended up here.

I was wondering if there was a recent change in the banking laws and regulations relating to the use of debit cards.

Not to long ago, you could use debit cards as freely as a check or even cash. Lately, I've been noticing a big difference. Gas stations are back to offering cash discounts, while charging more for debit and credit card transactions.

Several companies have refused to accept debit card payments for an outstanding balance while doing on-line payments. The companies want a checking account routing number and all.

Its becoming inconvenient to use this banking convenience.


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Girls Opinion: Ex Likes my Photos

I was dating a girl about a year ago. A short but intense relationship that ended abruptly and without closure. Just kind of faded away as it was long distance and she was leaving soon for a 1 year job overseas.

For the past year I've been doing my own thing, dating, and moving on with my life although she's always been in the back of my mind since I've never experienced a connection like that before. I was trying to forget her and just move on when kind of out of the blue she started liking some of my Facebook posts.

She liked a couple of quotes I posted a couple months ago. Then I recently changed my profile picture and she liked it along with one of my comments on the photo. I'm trying not to read too much into it but she's got me thinking about her again. I've dated a lot since her and haven't found a connection like that so I'd still be interested in grabbing a coffee with her and seeing if the spark was still there but also don't want to go chasing wild geese.

Girls, would you like an ex boyfriend's FB photo sjust for the sake of liking it, or would you be trying to spark something? I know, personally, that I probably wouldn't bother liking an exes photo unless I was at least somewhat interested. I may be wrong, but tor some reason, I feel like she's trying to spark some conversation as I don't think she's the type to just text or call me out of the blue...I feel like I would have to initiate.

Am I crazy for thinking this!?

Thanks all!


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Breaking up with someone before they break up with you

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There's a girl that I'm fairly sure wants to break our relationship with me but she's too nice to do it.

So to protect myself I'm thinking I want to break up with her in the worst and most humiliating way.

I intend to give her a lift somewhere that's about 10 miles from where we both live. I spend the meal just subtly insulting her but without being too obvious. Remember that she's a nice girl and hasn't got the balls to be mean to me in person.

Then as we head back to the car: I'm sorry I've found someone else now, I don't need you. Get out of my car.

She has no car, no contacts in the city and would have to get a taxi back home.

I drive away feeling awesome.

Any tips?


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Was this despicable?

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So a group of my friends in my A level year, before an important revision session for an exam, spiked a girls drink with laxatives, so that instead of being able to attend she had to go to the toilet and was hysterical and very upset when she was found (they had removed the toilet paper from the bathroom before she entered it), I do not really agree with what they did, but they thought it was the right thing to do.

My friends will be going to differed universities than me. So should I just distance myself from them until my A levels finish and I begin university.


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Autistic brother is so annoying.

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You probably don't know how it feels if you don't have an autistic sibling.

1. He acts like a 2 year old, even though he's 8, screaming and throwing tantrums. Which is affecting my preparation for my A-level exams next week.

2. We can't even have nice foods in the house because it will make him hyper etc

3. I barely talk to my mother since she is busy dealing with his problems, as a result we argue often.

4. He doesn't show any love to anyone else except my mum, in his eyes we're just people who give him stuff whenever he wants it.

Any advice from people who have actually experienced this?


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What does being deprived of sex make you feel like?

What does being deprived of sex make you feel like?

Does it make you feel angry, desperate, violent, less of a man/woman, cheated?

Do both men and women respond in the same way?

If you are/had been caught up in a sexually-deprived relationship, what would be your way out of it? (Assuming divorce isn't an option for financial or family reasons.)


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Girlfriend called my penis 'cute'

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I'm a 21 year and have only just recently lost my virginity. The reason being i've always been extremely insecure about my size. It's only just over 5 inches thick and misses the 5 inch mark in length. I learned to think of myself as only half a man because of this.

If I may say, i'm actually very handsome facially and enjoy working. I have gotten lots of female attention over the years and everyone always goes on about me having a baby face blah blah blah and the attention drove me crazy but I never pursued because I thought 'what's the point?' I even took up smoking as a punishment for my body for having a small dick.

Somehow i've managed to get a girlfriend, and it wasn't supposed to happen but obviously she must have seen something in me through the misery that she must have liked. This was about 3 months ago. And we officially started dating over two months ago. It had changed my outlook on life completely and i've managed to overcome depression and get back into swimming that I used to do competitively as a kid and throughly enjoyed and even thought of giving up smoking.

Thing is I have never told her that i've never had a gf before and am a virgin because I don't want her to think i'm a loser or am weird. I just say i don't like talking about my ex.

Just over two weeks ago I had my first sexual encounter and i couldn't even make her cum, better than I thought it would be but a bit rushed but she felt loose in missionary and I didn't enjoy it either but merely loved being with her and thankful she took pity on me so that the sex was irrelevant to me

However just yesterday, we had our first 'proper' session, i was laying on my back and she was giving me a blowjob then out of nowhere she said under her breath as if meaning to say to herself - 'it's so cute'. My heart sunk and she felt me tense and looked up and said 'no i mean it's cute but so are you' i played along but inside I was distraught.

She could tell earlier today that I was a little bit upset and asked why, I said i don't think shes enjoying the sex, why is that? She said she is, but we just haven't found the rhythm yet. I said is it because i'm smaller than her ex (she looked taken aback and said he was 'a bit' bigger but that doesn't mean he was good). I said i asked because i'm just curious. Not insecure.

But really I think we all know what she meant by cute and why she wasn't enjoying the sex and why she was surprised i asked about her ex. Should I just let this nice girl go so she can find herself a real man and accept my fate that I never can be and just kill myself?


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I got a dilemma

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I was at this wedding yesterday and managed to get this girl to give me her digits, but when we got to conversing and getting to know each other I come to find out she's a Police officer and 6 years my senior. I have never dated an older women let alone a Police officer but she is fine and her body is bombastic, but My friend said female Police officers are normally feminists ,nymphomaniacs and are hairy than a "sasquatch" down stairs.:erm:

Plus they develop masculine tendencies while being in a male dominated environment e.g the police department, Which is making me worried what if she dominates me and decides she wants to be the Alpha and I should be the Beta what do I do?:dontknow:

I am not small I am around 183-184 meters, but I heard police officers usually do special training to keep in shape and to tackle potential criminals, I am scared I have to see her tomorrow for a casual date where we get to know each other and so forth.

But I think I might leave it, and delete her number from my phone, there are too many negatives to dating an Alpha feminist.:no:


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