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A girl actually said this. My god

So during the week there are a few events around town playing house music. One of them was running the rather common gimmick of letting women in for free. Men still have to pay.

Anyway, one girl I know who attended was complaining about it, saying that it "objectifies women and it's a little sexist towards us". Some of her friends agreed.

Women get in free, but men have to pay, but it's sexist towards women?

I jokingly asked her if it was the only reason she took her broke-ass out on a school night, and she said no, and that she was going to go anyway. My god. So she was willing to pay, got in for free, and then complained about it.

If this is the case I'd love for people to be sexist towards me, ffs.

"The zoo magazine costs £3.30, but you can have it for free, you ****ing pig".

Is this just how the world works now? If it's sexist towards women, it's sexism. If it's sexist towards men, it's reverse sexism towards women?

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