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Practical, interesting, novel tips to make a better marriage thread

Its tough at times to find threads about good marriages that are interesting in between all the threads about problems.

The good marriage threads too often seem syrupy and emotional instead of practical, level headed suggestions we can implement like "Here is a great fun, cool, novel, tip that made my marriage better..."

If you have any practical tips, please leave them.

Here are some of mine

1. Put a love note and bow on your spouses favorite ice cream treat in the freezer

2. Start a joke day tradition to make your spouse laugh every wednesday with a goofy joke book or website joke

3. Have your spouse give you a list of gift certificates wanted for massage, running them a bath, favorite meal, short honey do project, etc they can cash in once a week. renew them each week with another. Have fun with expiration dates

4. Surprise your spouse at least four times a year with tickets to a show, event, activity

5. Skip the boring family portrait and get one family group action photo every three months enlarged and framed for your home and/or your parents home once a year

6. Text your spouse an "another reason I love you is..." text once per week.

7. Spend time with one of your in laws twice a year without your spouse so they know you like their family

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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