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My husband's temper

My husband and I have been married 6 years and have two young children. While he's always had a temper, he's usually kept from lashing out in public or around our family and children. However, recently it has gotten so out of hand that I am scared and my family and friends are starting to worry and talk about him.

The other night while his mother was in town visiting us, he was on the phone while me and his mom were playing with our two boys. Our 2 year old climbed up on the coffee table and then jumped off trying to land in my mil's hands but he didn't jump far enough and hit his head on the table. He cried, mostly from being scared and didn't even get a bump. My husband, however, saw what happened, slammed the phone down, screamed at all of us and then threw the coffee table across the room and into the fireplace, breaking the molding. He said he saw the accident coming and that we shouldn't have a coffee table in our living room because it wasn't safe. Not once did he comfort our child and ended up scaring our oldest son half to death and he started crying as well. He never apologized and then was pissed off at me the next day for giving him the silent treatment.

Just tonight while watching TV, he fell asleep on the couch. I decided to playfully wake him up by lightly flicking him on the forehead. Our kids were in the room and I was just playing around. He woke up and I was honestly scared he was about to come at me. He screamed at me for waking him up that way and said "how would you like it" and then flicked me in forehead so hard that it brought tears to my eyes. Meanwhile our kids just stared in horror and called him "mean daddy." Again, no apology, and now he's fallen asleep for the night while I sit here and stew.

He can be so mean and in his world he can do no wrong. He's become a different person. Most days now I struggle with even telling him that I love him. I've wanted to leave so many times but my boys really do love their daddy and I'm a stay at home mom with no money of my own. I don't know what to do anymore. When I talk to him about this stuff somehow I end up being the bad guy and get yelled at even more. He doesn't listen to me or understand. I feel so trapped.

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