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PSA for Ladies (well, or men, I suppose!)

After reading the things that annoy men and seeing all of the insecurity women display, allow me to share a nugget of, not only wisdom, but good manners passed from my Grandma.

When someone gives you a compliment, husband, stranger, coworker, family member... JUST SAY THANK YOU and smile.

It can be hard to learn - women are often taught to be humble. Accepting a compliment doesn't mean you agree but don't dismiss someone else's opinion as a lie, temporary delusion, etc. which is what you are doing.

I hear this all of the time and I want to shake these women (and young women).

Husband tells his wife she is beautiful and she replies with "What? My belly is too flabby". When all the man was thinking is "my wife is beautiful to me right now". Honest.

I hear it in the mall "I love your hair" to which the girl replies "Really? I hate the color/texture/style/having bad hair day".

"That's a cute dress!" gets the reply of "Huh - I've had this forever".

People rarely give compliments when they don't mean it unless it's a passive-aggressive mentally ill mother-in-law or a 13 year-old mean girl. If it didn't come from either of those, just say "Thank you", smile and FEEL GOOD. Nothing else is required. Except maybe kiss your husband/boyfriend. :)

I was one of those girls and my Grandma told me it was rude. I never thought so - I felt accepting a compliment made me seem stuck up, as if I agreed and was thinking "yeah, I'm all that". She made me see that isn't true. I became very aware of my responses and initially would start to protest but now I don't.

It doesn't mean you can follow up with a comment - first time you ice skate and someone say's you're doing great it's OK to say thank you and sound surprised! Just don't dismiss it. :)

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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