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I am totally screwing everything up.

For instance . . .

We talked about Valentine's Day, over a week ago and agreed that it is so commercial and forced that we did not want either to spend any $$ on each other. I just feel like if you want to do something nice for Valentine's Day it should come from the heart not from a store.

Fast forward to the day before Valentine's Day, I was really upset and angry because of something my teenage son had done. I was making dinner a little early because we were going to a church service that night, and dinner was ready when my H walked in the door. When he came in he knew something was wrong, but instead of asking me he assumed i was mad at him and proceeded to just go change his clothes and eat dinner, then leave for church without me. Obviously this upset me even more, so I went to bed.

Since I went to bed so early I woke up in the middle of the night. I got up and put his Valentine that I had prepared (a card with a nice note about how I appreciate how hard he is working for us yada yada yada and a token funny inside joke gift that cost about $3). Then went back to bed.

He usually gets up in the morning before me, to eat breakfast and read the paper or send some emails to get ready for the workday. I got up at my usual time and went to take a shower. My H had left a Valentine gift for me on the bathroom counter so I would find it. It was a nice box tied with a beautiful ribbon from a local jewelry store. I just stared at it and cried. He came in the bathroom as I was finishing getting ready for work and gave me a hug and said Happy Valentine's Day and sorry for whatever he did to make me so mad at him yesterday. I told him that I wasn't mad at him, that I was upset with our son, but he didn't ask me what was bothering me or give me the chance to tell him, and assumed it was about him. I also told him I feel really terrible that he did so much for me for Valentine's Day and I did nothing for him (in comparison). We each went to work, came home had a nice dinner, and just spent the evening together.

Okay now for what happened yesterday . . .

I have not been checking email every day because I believe everyone is honoring NC. I got home from work and picked up the iPad to check some movie showtimes. My H had not logged out of his email so it came up as soon as I opened the screen. This was his personal account. He also has a work account loaded as well, and the password to the work email had been changed (this can only be done from his pc at work) so the new emails won't load until the new password was entered. I thought that was odd. There was not a password change to anything else, personal email, Facebook, or computer and iPad. I do know that his work requires everyone to change their passwords periodically.

I decided to look at the cell phone info, and found that he received a photo text message on Valentine's Day. My heart started racing you can imagine what I was thinking. As I was looking at the records my H called me, and because I was literally looking at it I could not keep the hurt out of my voice when I answered his call. He knows me pretty well and knew something upset me. I didn't say anything and tried to brush it off as it being Friday and just tired from the week, because I needed a little time to think about what I was going to say to him. I decided to call the phone number to see who it was that sent the picture message and it was a woman from work. He arrived home about 30 minutes later and kind of avoided me like I was going to explode on him. While he was changing his clothes and watching a little news, I took a chance to look at his text messages and since I knew who to look for I found the picture immediately.

Now for the I am so dumb part. The picture message was a screen capture picture of a contact in her contact list. My H was asking her for a phone number and when she looked it up she just attached it to the text message rather than typing out the actual numbers. BTW the phone number was for her father-in-law who is a plumber and we need an opinion on some plumbing issues for our house. My H even sent me an email letting me know that he had scheduled a time for the plumber to come over.

I didn't want to tell him yet what I had suspected and then proved to be wrong. Then we had a heated conversation everything that has happened in the last three months, nothing really new just argued about it in general and now he hasn't even talked to me today.

Sorry so long.

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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