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knocked the socks off the hubby... but....

Am I expecting to much?

I am in an 8 year old marriage to a husband who I have a significant communication problem with and our sex life SUCKS!! If it were up to him we would have sex like never. When we do have sex it is soooo damn boring. Always the same position, quiet, dark etc. One time I put lingerie on, yes one time, and I knew going into it that the odds were it was going to be a disaster. Why? Because my spouse is so prude and hates stuff like that. He can't talk about sex and always refers to it as "doing it".

I recently decided it is time for a change on so many issues.
I started with the sex one in my marriage. :)

So- I decided I wasn't going to care if he was prude or nervous or hated it. I grabbed a little "contraption" that goes under your bed, lightly cuffed his hands and legs so he couldn't have access to anything :)

Then it was on---no doubt he loved it! I broke out Ice, mints, went places that if I ever tried to even joke about he got annoyed with me. There were no objections this night, he loved it and during the time it showed.

Afterward I tried to engage in some discussion about what he liked, what he didn't etc and it was pointless. He had nothing to say except thanks I enjoyed that.

As an FYI I had never/we have never brought ice, mints etc into the bedroom. So I tried to ask things like, okay ice yes or no. etc.

It has been 3 days since and nothing! He hasn't even tried to say anything to talk about it or discuss or anything. He sent me a text message the next day that said Best loving in my life.

So... I equate it like this: if we went to a new restaurant we would discuss whether or not we liked it and would we go back.

Is it to much to ask that we have some similar discussion with regards to a sex night that was 100% opposite than anything we have ever had in our ENTIRE relationship.

Thoughts? No offense will be taken just genuinely trying to decide if I should back off or "force" a follow up conversation.... or if I should taken my ice, mints, and bed cuff contraption and have an affair with someone who will show some damn excitement :) Semi sarcasm

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