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Creepy Guys

Ever noticed how girls and guys have different attitudes? We're constantly told that guys are more visual and care more about looks, but I'd argue that's not the case. Here's why.

Girls use the word "creepy" about guys a lot. "This creepy guy was hitting on me last night," or "that's creepy" when a guy flirts with them or "you're creepy" if a guy talks to them.

I've seen this online, I've seen it in real life. I'm not talking about myself, before we go any further (because the inevitable "you're just bitter" will come up I'm sure) but this is more what I've experienced from talking to female friends/listening to girls talk about guys.

These same girls will swoon over a guy who approaches them IN EXACTLY THE SAME WAY if the guy's attractive. And by attractive, I don't mean confident - I mean physically attractive. The confidence does help, but let's not forget that the "creep" had the confidence to approach them in the first place.

We can make two assumptions here. Firstly; confidence is directly related to looks: when people say "girls are attracted to confidence" they mean "girls are attracted to good-looking guys with confidence". Not "girls will overlook an average/ugly guy's looks because of his confidence". They might overlook that factor because of his money, of course...

The second assumption is that attraction, for girls, is almost solely based on looks. If two different guys do the same thing in order to attempt to woo a girl, and the only difference is that one guy is average or ugly and the other is good-looking, then by calling the average/ugly guy a "creep" we can deduct that looks are really the main factor for girls.

So how is this different from guys? Well... most guys will sleep with any girl that comes along and shows interest. Some guys will sleep with girls they're not in any way attracted to, whilst others (probably the majority) would, at various times in their lives quite happily sleep with an average girl.

Then there's the creep thing. When was the last time you heard a guy say "hey, this ugly girl was hitting on me last night and it was sooo creepy." I'm guessing never. Guys are usually flattered if a girl hits on them, even if they're not interested. They don't complain about it unless she becomes a stalker or something.

Does this make guys better people than girls?


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