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Guys: how would you feel about this?

So basically I like this boy at college (I'm a girl btw), and the most recent issue of the college magazine did this thing where you can write an anonymous valentine's message to someone, and they'll print it. I wrote one to him, and I know for a fact he saw it, but I don't think he's guessed that it was me. I'm definitely going to tell him (the message wasn't creepy or anything, in fact compared to some of the others in there it was really normal), and I have a plan of how to do it, but I need to know from a boy's point of view if this is OK.

I was going to find a time where we aren't in a really crowded area but it isn't completely silent either because that might be awkward, and just come straight out with it, telling him that I wrote it and that I like him. I'm not going to ask him out right there and then, I'm just going to see what he says and see if anything comes of it. Is this an OK plan?

Also, if you were told by a girl's friend that she liked you, would you approach her, or would you think they were joking?

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