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Fundamental Differences? Veganism.

I really wasn't sure where to post this... I wanted to include it in my blog but didn't think I would get very many responses...

I thought about posting this in "Relationships and Spirituality" but it didn't seem quite "spiritual" in the traditional sense, (although it is a somewhat spiritual transition for me in an indirect way...)

So, what I want to discuss is: my transition to becoming a vegan... And my husband insisting he does not want to give up meats or dairy. (Although, admittedly, he does not eat meats like the majority of other people).

I was quite content being an oblivious "ovo-lacto" vegetarian for many, many years. The eggs are unfertilized... Who does that hurt? Cheese isn't an animal... It's just made from milk.

I know better now. I've been exposed to the truth and now knowing how I have been an oblivious "ethical hypocrite", I have been transcending into a more fully ethical diet - Veganism.

So far, so good, right? Well, even though my husband was NOT and is still NOT a vegetarian or vegan when we got married, I chalked it up to something we had to "agree to disagree" about, then. I've never felt like I've needed to push my beliefs onto others or judge them for their "choices".

Lately, I feel that changing. I know I shouldn't... But it just is. I think about all the information I've shared with him and his explicit desire to not let that persuade him into a more ethical lifestyle. As a result, there are still "unethical" foods in our house. I ignore them. Try to, anyways. (I'm having a hard time giving up cheese; especially when many of the expensive vegan "cheeses" I've purchased have been such a disappointment). I don't prepare my meals with the "real" cheese and I am thankful that my husband is thoughtful enough to exclude it when he prepares meals for us. I feel bad that he is so accepting of my choices and yet inside, I feel so conflicted about his.

This thread isn't about changing his mind. That is just not going to happen. What I need to do is change MY mind back to the way it used to be - before I started "frowning" upon his "choices". Before I started thinking "less" of him.

I feel like I've been brain-washed into thinking everyone in my life must agree with me or they must go. That's just not realistic, nor would I want it that way.

Still... Every time I see cheese or milk or whathaveyou on his plate, I can't seem to stop thinking about the incredible, disgusting, suffering that occurred so it can exist. On his plate.

To my husband's credit, he is willing to try the vegan products I buy. This leaves me some sort of hope that he could make the transition someday... But I know expecting it is wrong of me. That wasn't an agreement when we got married.

So how do I "get over" this and stop thinking less of him and others because of their "choices"?

This has really been bothering me for quite some time. I haven't said much to my husband directly. I don't like "guilting" or "shaming" the way others might in my situation.

Just had to get this off my chest. Thanks for reading...
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