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Not attracted to any other guys

I'm a hairdresser and I have a large male clientele. I'm in a position where I can actually touch them (play and run my fingers through their hair), so it should be easy to form some type of attraction or bond with someone. But there's absolutely nothing. I don't find any of them good looking or can move past small talk. This is going to sound bad, but when I look at them, all I see is money. It's not even at work where I don't find anyone attractive, it's everywhere, a bar, grocery store, mall etc. it's been like this for years. Ever since I was 19, I've only ever been attracted to my ex. We've been broken up for 6 years and I can't feel anything for another guy. I tried. I thought about asking out 1 guy, but couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't know if I'll ever be attracted to another guy and a part of me is fine with that.
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