So I really like this guy and we texted each other all through the summer loads (both me and him texting first) and even went to the cinema one time, just the two of us (my friends keep telling me it was a date but at the time I didn't know whether he wanted it to be a date as well so I didn't treat it like a date). However, we went to the cinema the day before I went on holiday so it was difficult to keep in contact with him when I was away as I could only use Facebook Message and there was time difference. We haven't talked at Sixth Form since we've been back however but have still been texting, just not as much.
During the summer I started to think he liked me but now I'm not so sure. I feel like it's weird if we just text and don't talk in person but I'm too nervous to go over and talk to him at Sixth Form as he's always with his friends.
Do you think he might like me? What should I do?

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