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We need to change the law.

After going through my bullsh*t and seen 2 more of my friends in the same boat. Its is clear that the current laws stand in the way of fairness. If a woman cheats the men get the shaft in the deal ..legally. this is because we still protect the princess from the beats. that is fine when the guys is the beast, but what if the princess is the beats..
Not all women are bad , not all men are bad , so why then do we have default allocation of custody and property. This must be changed.

I think the more we men bottle our feelings up and use this great website to heal and bond the less likely we are to have meaningful change in this social society flaw.

Think how much economic waste is spend by working men\woman in this form. I spend hours on the clock reading and trying to deal.We need a social time out with cheating a structural way of dealing with infidelity. we can push this as a way to increase productivity and a way for kids not to suffer. an emergency divorce and asset freeze type deal.

Just my too cents. I will take my 2 cents and go back to my cave.

by the way lawyers don't always suck. my lawyer is now my best friend find one that "likes you" (does free work once in a while). because there will be more than one filling .. trust me.


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