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Self acceptance

Self acceptance is another important element we need before going or when you are into any relationship.self acceptance is define as acceptance of self in spite of deficiency,If you want to attract real love or to have real love in your relationship then you have to accept yourself the way you are first.The greatest form of love is the love you have for yourself.
There are seven basic point of self acceptance
1. Funness;its important you learn how to be fun to yourself,so that you can be full of fun whenever you are with your partner,you need to appreciate the uniqueness of yourself appreciate those good things you are made up of,go out with your friends that appreciates your personality go to fun places with them,try to make yourself happy because you are responsible for your own happiness,and if you can't be fun to yourself i guaranty you that you won't be happy in that relationship you are or about to enter,the reason is because your partner can't make you feel fun the way you wanted to,so try to be fun with yourself,only if you are fun with yourself that is the only way you can be happy with your partner in your relationship,because you will carry the funness into your relationship.
2.Friendship;you need to be a friend to yourself,what destroys marriages and relationships is the lack of friendship,so learn to be a friend to yourself be the first best friend to yourself, encourage yourself when you need encouragement if you make yourself a friend,friends well gravitate towards you.You need to do those things you want your friends to do to you first to yourself,because if they see how you treat yourself only that will define how they should treat you, weather they will treat you right or wrong.And if you are able to be a friend to yourself you can also be a good friend to your partner,because what you have is what you will give so be a good friend to yourself for a better relationship with your partner.
3.Faith;Definition of faith means confidence or trust in a self acceptance you need to develop confidence and trust in yourself,because if you don't you will find it hard to have faith in yourself and also towards your partner.Having faith in yourself is believing that you can do things with out your partner coming to play or helping you out,sometimes in some relationship one partner finds it hard to do things without the help of other partner(am not saying that you can't help your partner)but what i meant is that your are always tied to your partner,that shows lack of faith in once self it also shows that the other partner do not have the faith in the ability to do that self faith is an important element of self acceptance in a relationship.
4.Be forgiving;Don't not be so hard on yourself,you find out that sometimes in a relationship you do make your partner to be unhappy,and when you see that you beg for forgiveness and when they forgive you,you then find it hard to forgive yourself.You have to take the opportunities of mistake as fuel and knowledge towards the successful out come of your marriage and relationship.A mistake allow you to eliminate one possibility that doesn't work.
5.Aspire;self acceptance shouldn't be an excuse to avoid growing.One the contrary, you accept the bumps in the road as well as certain aspects of your personality as you're developing towards a better you in your relationship or outside it.
6.Be flexible;The more rigid you are,the less you'll be open to developing and growing as a person in your relationship.
7.Keep your power;Our images of ourselves are created based on what others have told us about ourselves or comparisons we make against'll inevitable come across others who will insult you or attempt to hurt you.Allowing their comments to have any effect on you is giving them power,it takes practice but it certainly possibly to shrug off the comment of others without personalizing them.Instead,compare yourself to yourself.Are you a stronger,wiser,healthier,more loving person today that you were a year ago?don't compete with anybody else,and don't leave on what people say about you mostly leave on what you say about yourself.Their journey in life is much different from yours.
Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are,it blinds your eyes from seeing the good things you are made up of.You are good enough for yourself and if someone doesn't take you as you are,then that person doesn't deserve you.And sometime we want our spouse or partner to appreciate us first before we can appreciate ourselves,and if they don't we feel bad but what you have to do is to appreciate yourself first before your spouse or your partner will be ably to appreciate you,you have to reflect the appreciation out to your partner by appreciating yourself first.:)


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