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Texting a co worker, deleting the texts

We have been married 10 years, we were at a football game and he loaned me his phone, I noticed in the inbox the first line of a message from an unknown name to me, that was really strange, I took the phone with me to the toilets - feeling really guilty for snooping - and found more txts to the same number, with strange comments with sexual references such as "you had sex yet :)" "will you be at work in the morning" etc. Dont panic I thought and went back to the game - not seeing the rest of it. When we got home he went to bed and then I had a real good snoop through contacts other messages etc, all normal messages were still there not deleted, but he has cleared the messages I saw and there are no other messages from this surname now. Went to bed, no sleep, he gets up to go to work, when he goes I ring the number witholding our phone number, a female voice says leave a message. Go to my friends leave kids with her and confront him when he get s home, 'We are just friends, it is a silly work thing we flirt as a fun thing to break the boredom, the txting has just started and he admits hes crossed the line with the txting. Shes just one of the guys he says. Should I ask one of his workmates if he thinks I should be alarmed, see what they think of the after hours txts?:confused:
Im really taken back, and heartbroken, he knows he has really hurt me, but went off to a wedding function, a workmate and left me at home, he assured me that she is not there. he txt me just before asking if im alright ..... no i am not!

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