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I am curious about this word, shaming.

I read NMMNG and understood the concept of toxic shame and understood its effects upon men (women can also suffer from toxic shame). And I understood the need to deal with that toxic shame as an individual, if you suffer from it.

But what I don't really get is when men say things like this, that Shadow Nirvana said on another thread: "Every so-called "progressive" feminist you see nowadays, have no problem with trying to shame men, throwing the word "misogyny" around and overstating first-world female problems while making derisive comments about male problems."

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What I don't get is, why do some men think women are "trying to shame them".....and I mean ADULT men and women, like on a message board like this one, and who are not in a relationship with each other.

I mean here's the one can "make" you feel shame, no matter what they say to you. If you DO feel shame it is something within you that is feeling it. In other words, you already feel ashamed about *something*, if you are feeling shame.

I don't feel any shame about anything that is discussed on these boards, and literally NOTHING anyone could say to me would ever CAUSE me to feel shame. Similarly, I wouldn't interpret anything anyone said as their intent to shame me.

Even if someone was like "hey FW, you sould like a huge sl*t", I would simply laugh to myself. Why on earth would I feel shame? I wouldn't even feel that person was trying to shame me, I would feel they were just prone to throwing around insults or something like that.

I get soooo confused when men talk about women "trying to shame them" for these reasons. Why on earth would any of us try to "shame" you?

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