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What do you think..?

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So i was cruising on Facebook (as you do), when some guy shared someone elses' (a female: Carter Cruise) post and it went like this:

"SMH at girls who want a guy to support them completely but aren't down to suck his dick. Literally that's your one job in life. No, not because you're a woman, but because you chose that.

If you don't want to do that, get a job and be somebody's sugar momma, or at least pull your own weight financially and date/marry someone who is cool with whatever sex life you're willing to give. Sorry, but no man in existence wants to work all day for you to go to Pilates and brunch at the country club with your friends and NOT get his dick sucked at the end of the day. Unless he just likes being used, in which case... no.

You gotta pull your weight in a relationship if you want it to be a good one, and if you don't have to work, you gotta do something else. We talk about feminism, but then women constantly expect to be treated like princesses simply for having tits without giving anything in return and that is the exact opposite of equality of the sexes. Tits might give you an advantage when a guy wants to bang you, but eventually you're going to have bring SOMETHING to the table. And if all you have to do is suck a dick, I think you have a pretty easy life. ‪#‎datingadvicefromcarter‬

Also, this obvs goes the same for dudes. If you're living off a girl's paycheck then you best eat the pussy and eat it well."

What do you all think..? Personally, i agree with her 100%. i'm just surprised that it's a female that exposed such an idea.
I'm surprised, as it's mostly females (the ones i've met) that are opposed to anything sexual related when it comes to keeping their man; and it's mostly guys who have stated time and time again that sex (& cooking, and the like) keeps them around... but females ignore this.

So, what's the consensus? do you agree? and if not... why? :P

This is the link:

**before you start to slate me (if you planned to do so), at least try to contribute to the thread first..**

***ohh and the attached image is the one that was in the facebook post. personally i find it so funny but yet so God-damn accurate; what do you think?****


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