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I've become too attached and I'm scared I'll get hurt

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There couldn't really be anyone more 'inconvenient' to have developed feelings for. I use the word feelings loosely because I've never seen them in person (they live in Australia) but they seem like a wonderful person, and it's hurting me that I'll, probably/realistically, never even meet them, let alone have anything romantic with them.

And I'm concerned that this will eventually affect my mental health. I thought I had a chance with someone else a while ago and I think their rejection contributed to my bad mental health (there were lots of other issues though too so I'm not saying it was that and that alone)

Also, it just seems that there are so many other people who have much better chances with them (live nearer, established friendships, more attractive), so I can see how that could eventually affect my self esteem etc.

Is there a way I can not get hurt by this?

TL;DR There's someone I have a crush on (perhaps a stronger feeling if possible - given the situation of being in different continents) and I can envisage myself getting hurt. Help?


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