It's proving a struggle to say the least. It's demotivating not doing well at my A2'S and it's really getting me down :( HELP?!
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So my ex and I broke up very soon after heading off to uni - she ended up in bed with another guy, don't know whether she cheated, and then proceeded to ignore me completely to text him when I visited. Pretty outrageous considering her talk of kids and soulmates just weeks earlier.
Anyway, I removed her from fb a couple of month after the breakup because I wasn't recovering seeing her on there everyday, knowing she was talking to my replacement.
The other day she text me saying I had hurt her by removing her. She said that was missing me a little and told me her head had gone into "overdrive" when I suggested I might be seeing someone else.
FInally she said that she "felt lost".
Any thoughts on any of this? Is she questioning her decision or was she just have a down day/trouble with the other guy?
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I was at out of the box group last Tuesday. I got a hair cut. And didn't wear much make up and wore jeans and a shirt. I have a pretty ambiguous facial appearance and build but still attractive. Among them im gay so I don't really think I'm a threat since they're all straight so I don't really get his problem. He was really nice before when I looked more feminine.i have been going to this group for a long time. They always assumed I was born male when I dressed really feminine. I dressed really feminine because I was scared. And my body shape and face don't look that feminine it just looks like I wear make up and have "fake" boobs. But The people there the transmen couldn't tell me from the trans women there. I may be intersex since I have symptoms of an intersex condition. I was overcompensating for the fact that I was there i always liked appearing to be the straight girl. Anyhow it's like a sense of anger coming from one person in the group almost. For one he'd randomly say stuff like my hair isn't real when it was obvious I had my hair cut. It's like only 4 inches long now. And then went to to make a joke about my being so small because I was talking about body types and cravings. It was like they were trying to insult my "manhood" but I don't get why now? When previously I was there for like the past few weeks? He takes a lot of T like the most he can oersonally and looks like a passable man. Just gayish sounding. I still look like a girl who is more masculine but pretty and petit still. I have high testosterone levels naturally it's why I have big feet a deep voice a not so feminine face and the coveted T shape men want to have and other stuff I don't really notice because I'm used to it. People always make jokes though on whether I'm a boy or a girl if I am not making an effort to look feminine. What I don't get is why someone has it together be upset at someone who isn't even on hormones? I don't get it? But ever since I sta rted dressing more masculine that person has seemed to act as if they're threatened? I'm pre everything probably will be my whole life. I don't what his problem is?
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I've been texting a guy for a long time. We always strike up conversation etc. He's tried to call me a few times but I would be in a seminar/lecture etc and he wouldn't try again and I'd forget about it. He tells me most things about his life, a lot actually. We knew of one another in school, used to talk at times but always had a weird connection/ mutual understanding. I don't really know what this texting thing means for a guy.
Could any of you give perspective onto whether or not you'd text a girl this long if the relationship was seemingly platonic? He moved away from our area years ago so we haven't been able to meet. He's still really caring via text so I don't really know if the texting for this long itself means anything???
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So theres a girl that i've known for a few years now, we just used to text each other a lot and then stopped for a while (no reason, just didn't speak) but now we talk to each other more in person as well as texting because she transferred colleges to the same one as me.
She's admitted that she likes me and finds me attractive and I like her too, however, she had a long distance boyfriend when I first got back into contact with her and after a while they split up (just before christmas because he was an idiot acting like a dick and did what he wanted all the time or so she tells me). Anyway, they got back together a few weeks ago and now I'm like: wtf do I do?We flirt with each other a lot but am I wasting my time with her? I think I already know the answer but I wanted some opinions/advice.
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I hope you know what I mean by "excited". Basically I am aware that majority of teenage boys get "excited" a lot over boobs and ass and porn etc And this is one cause boys are mostly desperate in nature and two cause of their hormones and shiz. Its a pretty open thing that most teenage boys masturbate/sleep around (their not called sluts cause its a normal thing for them). But I was wondering do girls do it as well? I mean the reason why boys seem to do it more may be because girls never admit it? OR the fact when guys are "excited" it is very visible... if u know what i mean ;) But like is it normal for you girls as well to get "excited" sometimes.
I know what ticks my clock <3
lool did i just say that... yes yes i did. I have been thinking about this is a lot since my sexual drive has decided to increase rapidly (over the course of a couple of months) and its becoming a problem. Especially since I am a person of innocence and plan to stay that way until I'm older. I'm 17 atm. So then I was wondering wait is it normal for a teenage girl to be this "excited" all the time or is it mainly a boy thing?
If you are not one of those teenage boys who do get "excited" then apologies for stereotyping but u gotta admit. Your species is pretty sex crazed.
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I read an article that said at least 75% of marriages are either cuckold or open. Cuckold meaning the husband allows his wife to have sex with other men or allows her to have mulitple boyfriends. I was reading an interesting article from a sex expert which described womens needs for multiple sexual partners and how they are by nature the sex that desires mulitple men while men are usually happy with just one woman. I'll link the article here, I suggest you all take a look it's a fascinating read and will change your concept on how we view men and women in todays society.
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Ok so I've known this girl for about a year now. We've got to know eachother, and get on well. I've noticed she's in the past couple of months just started to smile and grin a lot at me. She'll be looking at me and I'll look at her and we'll both just look at eachither and smile, until one of us looks away, other times she'll just look at me with a big grin on her face, I'm not even being funny or joking etc, she's just there smiling at me, so I just smile back until again one of us looks away. Another example I was reading a poster on the wall and I could see her in my eye line and she's looking at me and again with a massive smile on her face. Again I wasn't being or trying to be funny. She also acts daft sometimes and pulls daft faces at me etc.
i have no issue with her doing this, I just find it a bit weird? Girls, reasons she would do this?
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So these are the details - I've known my boyfriend since I was seven (obviously we were dumb kiddish friends then) and had been dating him from age 14 till 16. In the May of my GCSE year, he (he was 18) he passed away due to underage drug addiction and a subsequent overdose. It was quite a big tragedy for his school, and for me, hence, my academics suffered. I had taken 10 IGCSE subjects, and predicted 9A (the 10th subject was as a private candidate), but due to this I only managed to receive 5A (2A* in English and English Lit, 3As), 4Bs and one D.
I've taken a gap year to shake it off and am now approaching my AS Levels. I'm doing well in sixth form, and am predicted AAAA.
I don't want to get into Oxford, but a decent uni, but I'm a little worried because of the GCSE. My referee said she could write the circumstances, but I'm not sure if such a small problem could be considered as extenuating circumstances.
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