Someone needs to get him a copy of >>
I'm going to say. .. Hold on.... it depends.. a # of times I've brought this up to my husband, because of the backlash of this phrase (of course I understand many ARE being taken advantage of -this causes anger & much hurt..and these men need THAT BOOK.. need to turn the temperature DOWN, show there will be some consequences, and loss of affections, etc)... ALL FOR THAT !.....The "Princess Syndrome" is very ugly & ruins relationships...
On the other side of the coin (where Princess Syndrome is not at play)...there are men who ascribe to it (my Husband is one!) hasn't destructed our lives...causing him to be seething in a corner somewhere worshiping the QUEEN, while I throw him scraps..
His caring for me, how I feel -no matter what we are going through, infertility the hardest.. I look back.. it has only held my admiration for him... when he loves on me, shows he cares for my happiness... why wouldn't I want to give back... isn't it supposed to work this way?? ...
As wives...we need to feel this way in return >>
I thought I would open this up and get a little deeper as to WHY, even relationship experts feel there IS truth to this..
The Nora Batty effect: how a happy wife means a happy life - Telegraph
The reason, they concluded, could be that women who consider their marriage happy are more likely to care for their husband, including feeding him and doing the housework, enhancing his general quality of life. Happily married women are also more likely to boost their husband's ego by praising him and less likely to give him the kind of tongue-lashing the broom-wielding Nora Batty specialised in doling out, they noted. Men by contrast take a more "silent approach" to emotional matters and are less likely to communicate their feelings – good or bad – to their wives, they said. |
Study Finds That 'Happy Wife, Happy Life' Is Pretty Dead On ...
A quick summary of this article ....Men who are unhappily married may still be 'happy' with their lives overall -- so long as their wives are satisfied with their marriages... Wives happiness didn't seem AS AFFECTED by their husbands' satisfaction.. (I wouldn't say that is always true!) The author feels men are more likely to sit in their chair & silently stew about things before outright complaining.. whereas WOMEN ...well.. when we're unhappy... (disclaimer here - can I say MANY OF US)...we nag, we complain, we sh** test (article didn't say this.. I thought I'd throw that in)...we make it KNOWN.. only a very disengaged husband wouldn't notice our dissatisfaction ....if it's not verbal.. we will become resentful, start withholding SUPPORT...become colder, shut off the sex, rolling our eyes, calling our GF's to complain.. etc.. |
This article said "Relationship satisfaction is linked in different ways to men's and women's abilities to read each other's emotions, and it seems to relate more to positive emotions for men and to negative emotions for women," ...."Men's satisfaction was tied to his ability to identify when his wife / girlfriend is happy, but not when she is angry or upset."... Going on to say "When men felt willing to express their anger or frustration, women took that as a sign that their partners were investing in the relationship...For most women studied, this translated into a sense of security or happiness for the women. Men, by contrast, commonly expressed more fulfillment after their female partners expressed to them that they were fulfilled and satisfied in their relationships. While the study, published in the Journal of Family Psychology, ultimately found that happiness stems from a willingness to try and understand whatever emotion one's partner is feeling, men tend to disengage when negatively aroused, while women tend to engage and want to discuss the problem. |
I think we could agree on that.. this doesn't mean however, she should get whatever she wants.. not everyone is reasonable.. some of us are spoiled rotten.. we expect too much.
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