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Forgiveness and letting things go

How do I do this? I'm a grudge holder and I'm tired of living this way. Tired of being angry. How can I change? I need serious help from those who have a lot of forgiveness in their hearts.


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New Friendship - On pause with feelings buildings HELP

I talked to a woman online last week. We have since everynight and established through hours of conversation we wanted to start as friends till we felt we could go further if possible. Will today a x boyfriend who has been horrible to her really knows how to push her buttons is trying to snake his way back in way in that she wants nothing to do with. As soon as he heard we were talkling it started anf today he turned on the charm. She has nothing but didain for him becuase he never treated her right. Will today she paused our friendship and daily conversations so she could get her head right while this issue resolves herself. Of course talking to someone everynight you develop a slow emotional connection. She says she does not want to end the friendship but needs to pause till the dust settles. i offered to always be a friend and continue to talk which she responded she wishes she had my stregth and would love for me to check in now and then. She does no t want to date anyone right now so that is why we were going to meet Sunday face to face for the frist time. We have Skyoed every night for 4 days but she admitted she has feelings for me but needs to be in the right place to capture a relationship and with this new drama its too much. She is telling the ex to go away and dont come over or she will have to call the cops because he has been harrasing her. I know this situation sounds bad. She is a teacher, student council adviser a great person raising her daughter on her own. :scratchhead:but just got wrapped up and burned by the wrong guy. So what do I do? 180? check in now and then?


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Chinese wife does not want to muddle herself up with my family anymore

My Chinese wife of 3 years. Has initiated a separation - she started the separation/telling me about wanting a divorce in mid-August, but has dated the start of the 2 year separation back to April this year. She claims it was in April when my mother and sister slated her severely.

- I'm half Indian (dad's side)/half English (mum's side)

She feels my Western family from my mother's side do not look after their health, do not take on her good advice. She feels my family is in chaos and is refusing to return to it.

She believes my mother and my sister would prefer I divorce her; my wife feels hurt and let down by my side of the family. She recently said she is afraid of my mother - feeling her to be controlling and arrogant. She does not want OUR children to be wrongfully influenced.

I have given her options for limiting, avoiding or handling the chaos - but she won't accept them.

- to try and reconcile and elaborate on her feelings to my mother and sister to come to some neutral decision - (water under the bridge, agree to disagree)
- to only go to a few selected events
- to not go at all

- on monday she spoke about the possibility of continuing the marriage. Used words like "if you want to live with me". "Marriage is a big project" etc.. I slept over in the house, had some lovely meals. I thought we were on a road of potential reconciliation.
- on thursday though she revealed we are on a 2 year separation from Easter. I thought we were going through a timeout/trial separation, but she is now confident she will look to file in Easter 2015. She says she doesn't want children with me and does not want to return to the family chaos.

So for the last 4-5 months she has withdrawn from the marriage and on monday was the first instant she spoke about possibly resuming it. Now my hopes have been dashed again.


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The Bible condoning rape and violence against children and women?

Can someone religious explain these kind of chapters in the Bible:

Deuteronomy 20:10-14
10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies.

Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB
23 "If there is a betrothed virgin, and a man meets her in the city and lies with her, 24 then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbor's wife. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29
28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.
I thought Christianity was not a violent religion...?


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The confession!

Recently had a short discussion about this aspect with very stbxw. Serial adulterer, all married men etc etc

Each occasion I felt and saw the signs then confronted. Apart from the last one she collapsed all into a heap of guilt and then it all came out. The last one she denied, gaslighted etc etc but my gut has never been wrong about these and that eventually taking three weeks also spilled out.

She never at any point said I need to talk to you about something so important to us etc etc etc not once ............ I dug - she confessed

Over time she has managed to convince herself that she knew she could not keep it in and spilled it to me of her own accord !!

So for the second time last week we spoke. She said "I couldn't live with myself and told you about them ... all etc etc"
I stopped her in her tracks and said okay lets go over that specific aspect once again

Me "Did you ever once at any time sit us both down and bring this up in terms of what you were doing with other men and confess it to my face" ?

Her (long pause, tears) .........."No"

Me "Did I sit you down and confront you with overwhelming gut feeling and evidence about your affair/s so that you had no more choices? "

Her (longer pause, more tears) "Yes"

Me "Right I think that forever more clears that bit up"!

Clearly her thinking she told me makes her feel she would feel better about it all !........but she didn't and she so dearly wants to believe it to the point where in her head it's true she did tell me !! :scratchhead:

mm crazy I know

How many of you were 'told' before you had to broach it ?

How many have experienced what I have - their belief that they did actually tell you rather than the truth

In terms of reconciliation I can't think any one that was not told up front would have any chance of an R.

For those who have reconciled with some real success - waywards - did you tell before you were caught

Are there any successful recons where the wayward never confessed first?

In my mind this seemingly small aspect seems to be a massive impactive influence of the possible success / future of a broken / repairable relationship


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No sex for 90 days, however...

My W and I have not had sexual intercourse for 90 days but this has not actually troubled me for a change. We have both gone through bouts of illness and been extremely busy. Although I have not discussed it with her I really feel that I should not have sex until I lose some weight. My breathing has been very ragged when I try certain physical jobs.

I hit a low point of depression for 2 weeks but it was related to stress over a friend who a number of people see as a suicide risk. As I am closest to him I got asked to monitor him. He is over the dangerous patch for now but his court case in Jan might jar things up.

I have completed a number of sessions relating to my Anger issues and have been recommended for further 'mind related' tests. If I can keep going onwards and getting through these set down targets of mine I feel I will get to a point where my issues will not prevent me from relearning how to be sexually fit in mind and body. Then I think I will hit the crossroads of whether I have put enough effort in to relight the fire in my marriage.

No real question just a 'where I am right now's that I felt a need to share.


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Wife of 15 years moves out into her own apartment

My wife of 15 years moves out into an apartment and spends over 4800.00 dollars in three weeks buying things for it. This happened so quickly, we came home on Sunday, Nov 2 from our daughters college after watching the game with her. I noticed that she was upstairs whispering on the phone and said I miss you. I went upstairs and asked who she was talking with and she said it was a high school friend of 1982 and I asked if he was only a friend why was she whispering, she hung up the phone and said I did not have to worry since he was only an oil tech at Jiffy Lube and could not compete with me on income. We both went downstairs and eventually it lead to shouting, I went upstairs to cool off and came down 30 minutes later to learn that she had left, I tried calling her cellphone but no answer, eventually she answered and said you just noticed that was gone, that shows how much attention you pay to me. She did not come home that night and I went to her work the next day mid morning and noticed thar her auto had been in a accident, I went in and asked her to said she got into an accident, I asked for the report from the police and noticed it happened in Cameron where she grew up which is about 30 miles north of our home. She came home that Monday night and went straight to bed, the next morning we briefly discussed the situation before we both went to work, that evening which is now Tuesday we discussed it briefly and she stated it was over and I said what was over, she David her friendship with the old high school friend. I left Wednesday morning for a business trip and cam home on Thursday evening only to find she had moved about 50 percent of her things. I did not know where she was only that she was somewhere in Cameron( her old hometown) now it is 5 days after it all started. I went through the weekend how did this happen so suddenly. I went on a business trip on Monday for a week while on this business trip I found out tha t she reconnected with this high school friend in late September and have been talking back in forth on Facebook and how they were glad they found each other on Facebook, there were even messages sent between them even while we were out to dinners some nights. I called her and told her what I found out, her response was that he would not have sex with her until she was divorced and that he was a great person. So on November 15 she moved into her apartment and started the process of setting up shop and she removed the remaining items she had at the house and some furniture. Now she tells me he was only a friend and he showed her the right path to happiness and she also tells me that she wants to tell me the so many wrongs things I did to her but she does not want to hurt me. I just asked her right before Thanksgiving if she wanted a divorce and it was not fair to me to keep me dangling as I have asked her to go to counseling with me before we throw away 15 years of marriage a nd she only says I am suffocating her, so I have not spoken to her about 4 days and have no plans on calling as I told her by text to call me when she is ready to talk!

Any thoughts on what is happening?


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How do I turn off the caring for a cheater??

STBXH came to the house yesterday to pick up his mail and told me he just came from doctor and has melanoma. Surgery scheduled for Thursday. My eyes filled and I looked away. He also had tears in his eyes when he was telling me.

My heart wanted to hug him and offer a ride and comfort but my head and the wall I built up to protect me from anymore hurt prevented me from doing anything but talk to him very business like. I wished him well and talked about general items.

Even after all this time and hurt, I still feel like a wife wanting/should help him through a difficult time. Guilt like although he was the one who chose to cheat and destroy all hope of repairing my marriage.

Final divorce is scheduled for Jan 10.


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The Importance of Being Strong

At the time of my DDay, my world was crushed. I literally was devastated beyond anything I ever thought I would have to deal with. The loss of family by someone's choice as opposed to a tragic accident... I made all the wrong mistakes. I tried to 'nice' her back. I did not find TAM until basically I was divorced.

I still had issues. I found an amazingly gorgeous woman I was dating for about 16 months. She has BPD. That was rough at times, but because I know what it was like to have my life thrown away. I did not just discard her. I gave her the opportunity to work on herself, but it didn't happen. I will always have a place in my heart for her. My kids love her but the cycle where she pushed us away. That was too much.

When I went through my ordeal, my then wife told me how it was all my fault and told me all of my flaws, they were exaggerated, but they were flaws.

I spent the time working on myself, going to the gym, learning who I was and working on who I wanted to be. I started really working on that. What I had was a strong moral conviction about what is right and wrong.

I was honest with my kids. I left out details as I didn't want them to know everything, but I let them know the truth. The prevailing thought used to be 'shield the children'... What that gets you are children who are upset because you lied to them and you also get rolled in court. You have to settle for half.

My two oldest 12,13 have basically lived with me 95% since this school year began and even longer. My EX refused to let them go to my school district so I drive them to school every day and pick them up, half hour away. It is a great inconvenience.

It came down to court this week. It is a scheduling for what will come. My lawyer flat out told me that before, I had to settle because she was a SaHM and I worked and travelled. Now I don't have to settle at all.

This is because of my actions and no one else. My EX wanted to leave the family. Go ahead, but leave my kids.

I am the one who cooks
I am the one who does the laundry
I am the one who hand sews patches on
I am the one who spends quality time
I am the one who takes them to practice and games
I am the one who got them to pull the grades up to 2nd honors
I am their rock. God is mine.

It was just Thanksgiving. My EX was supposed to have the kids. I told them I will not force them to do what they do not want to do. I am past that. I told them it was their mom's turn and when they asked to stay with me, I said you just have to tell your mom. It is your choice. I was working when she came and my two oldest told her so. Two of the three stayed with me. I did not ask. They chose.

I am not disobeying the court doctrine, but I am not going to be put in a position where I have to do what is not in the best interest of my kids.

They need their mother, but she needs to be a mother first. She never came out of the fog even for her own children. I told the new girl I was dating that my boys will fight for her attention, and when we went to dinner, I pulled her chair out and my two youngest immediately sat on either side. It was cute. They vie for the attention of pretty girls. I was fine sitting across. I got to see her better:) I talk to my boys. I told them about my old girlfriend, they understand because they saw how she could act. I told them not to be mad at her because she reminded them that they deserved to be loved.

Good things will come to you when you stand up for yourself. They will come to you when you stand on your moral ground. You may lose something in court. You may lose something in life, but if you are honest and true to yourself, then you will set an example for those to follow.

When you allow others to dictate what will happen, especially when they do bad things, then you will lose badly.

I have a friend who went through what so many of us went through and he has been passive about the non sense with his kids. It did not work out nearly as well for him.

My boys will be men someday. They will look at my examples of what I did right and wrong. They will see what it is like to have true courage. They will see that I fought for my family. They know what it is like to take a stand.

I found out that my wife's boyfriend got in my oldest's face a while ago. If I had know then, I probably would have done something I would now regret. God's grace was there for me. I did set him straight though:)

When you are weak, you allow for people to take advantage of you. Kindness to a WS is weakness. If you have an action that they will perceive as weakness but you think it is kindness, you will be seen as weak, not kind. There is no NICE out of an affair. I know who I am. I am becoming who I was meant to be all along. I took the time for the introspection after DDay and I committed myself to being a better me.

The law says 50%. There is no way that my WS who cheated and takes everything you worked hard for deserves that. I stopped doing what was deemed civil and correct. I started doing what is right. She wanted to leave. Fine go! Leave the kids. They need guidance. They need someone to be on them about their grades and their life. Let that be me! If she wants to help a little, fine... I will lead in this. My boys choose to be with me 90+% of the time and I stopped telling them no.

Yes I am tired. Yes I work all the time. Yes I am digging myself out of the hole that divorce created. My life is really really good. My EX has no idea why the kids don't respect her. It is so simple. You traded their happiness for yours... No GOOD MOM would ever ever ever do that!

When I stood up and said enough. Right is right. That is when things started happening. 'Courage to the man who struggles to be himself in a world that every day tries to change him into what it wants him to be!'

The lawyers, the law... It is all good. I don't bribe my kids. My son chose to come over my house and face the punishment I gave him for acting up in school instead of fooling around at his mom's on her weekend. My son will be a man someday. He will not be just another adult male.

The mess, the whole divorce crap. I was honest with my sons. I slept with my youngest when he cried. I talked to my boys. I gave them an example of being strong. I gave them my unconditional love but I was strong for them. I held them to be better than what their circumstances would want them to be.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

My two oldest will be playing for the National Championship in soccer next week. My oldest is getting a scholarship to a great private school. I still sleep on the floor and don't have a couch but seriously I would not trade my life for any other.

As for the women... There are so many women out there who want a man, a good one. It is amazing how many nice beautiful ladies there are that appreciate a man who will be strong, who gets the job done, and has his priorities straight.

When you sit back because you are afraid of being a man and the perceived consequences, well that is when you doom yourself. It has been shown over and over and over on this forum. You cannot foresee all of the consequences. You can only choose your actions. Choose to be strong. Choose to do what is right in your heart. Choose to be an example as opposed to a statistic. The outcome may not be what you hoped for, but you will hold yourself up as a man and when it is your day to be judged, all you can hope for is a.. 'You did alright. Come on in.'

My boots. They are Lucchese. I got them in TN. I put them on sometimes when I need to cowboy up. Do not chose to be passive when your family is being ripped apart. Do not chose to be vindictive. Choose to be strong and do what is right by you. You may very well lose some things but you will be your children's hero if you decide to be a man.

May God bless you all in this season and remember you are the only person responsible for your own happiness. Lead your heart. Do not follow it for it will truly deceive you.


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Which name sounds better?

Just need advice on which name you like better between these two and why...

Le jaune Reed or Suren Sun



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I want to prove to my girlfriend I'm independent

I have one hell of a girl but I don't want to lose her because I'm a mommy's boy who sits at home all day doing nothing. Yep I'm dating a strong, independent woman :P
However realistically I don't think I can compete with the amount of societies/meetings and independent activities she does (which I've asked around, she is digging herself into a hole of stress with all the stuff she does)

Maybe I don't have to 'beat her' because we're a team. However I want to pull my weight a little, even if just a little.
At the moment I'm doing third year of a degree (and struggling) and a part-time job. I see friends as and when there's time, and do sports a few times a week. So it's not quite that I do nothing-but I do still feel a wee bit dependent on others.

How can I prove to her I'm independent and risk falling in the 'needy' trap (without having to resort to PUA strategies like negging and other bull****?)


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How to stop feeling anxious

im starting to really like someone but it's just making me feel really crappy. i start feeling really sick and anxious when i think about them D:

i've never been this nervous around someone before. ****. any tips/ideas?


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Not that emotionally attached to boyfriend after 3 months

Me and my boyfriend have been together for nearly three months, but I don't feel that emotionally attached to him. I feel like if we broke up I wouldn't be that upset.

I started university this year, and I feel like maintaining a relationship takes up a lot of time. I feel like I haven't bonded with other people as much as I should have because I have less time to spend with them. Also I think I'd quite like to be single and just be free to experience stuff and not be tied down by a relationship. I don't know.

I don't know whether I should break things off. I just don't really feel a special connection I guess. I'll feel so bad ending it though. I wouldn't know what to say. I don't want to hurt him. I don't know what to do.

Advice please!


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Dating without a relationship?

I've been on a few dates with this guy, he's nice enough & hasn't done anything wrong but... I really don't want a relationship! Just started my dream job, came out of a 5 year relationship last year & the thought of another relationship makes me feel physically sick.

He however has recently said he wants to carry on & see how things go, talking about buying me Christmas presents etc & I haven't realised until now how serious this apparently was!

He wants to go out again tonight... What do I do/say??

Posted from TSR Mobile


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acts like he hates me

why would a guy act like he hates you but say your awesome?! :confused: He has a girlfriend...


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do all women get women logic?

or are some women as confused about it as men are?


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What are some signs that a girl is rich at



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Please answer, no one answered...

Shall i ignore my friend, why does he do this?

I printed for him 3 times from home his work, he told me he will print my work for me but he didn't print at all.



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What does it mean when a white guy sometimes stares at my friend...

in class? My friend is muslim and he is christian. He also holds the door for her even though she is packing up in class. He waits for her after class sometimes. They do talk to each other and he sometimes stare at her in class.


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Dumper's guilt? Is it my fault?

So i broke up with my ex after 10 months. I ignored her for a further 2 months and i basically told her to move on etc. Then after those 2 months i contacted her again just to check up on her, see how she's doing and we met up.

Thing is, i never loved her, it was more of infatuation or lust or whatever. She expressed how much she loved me but i never appreciated her during the whole time we were together and without going into detail, i basically treated her like crap if i'm being totally honest.

BUT why do i feel so god damn guilty? is it my fault that i didn't love her? SHOULD i be feeling like this?

Thing is though, i got with 2 other girls only after a few weeks of breaking up with her. I regret the fact that i never appreciated her but at the same time i know breaking up with her was the right thing to do rather than stringing it along which would have definitely been worse.

Now she recently found someone new, someone who would love her more hopefully. i tried to talk to her via skype/phone and i know she's upset with what i've done and that i never loved her. i don't know why but i do miss her a lot ever since she found someone new (WHY!!??) yet i wouldn't want a relationship with her at the same time

I don't know what question i'm asking actually, i just need a sense of closure etc. We're at Uni if that makes a difference, and partly the other reason why i broke up with her was because of work and personal goals.


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What makes a girl classy?

Last night my female friends and I were discussing this and we are all wondering what makes a girl classy. For example, we like to go out drinking and clubbing but not excessively and we definitely don't get in states like the girls you see on Geordie Shore, The Valleys etc.

We all have our own hobbies ranging from volunteering, charity, dance and media and none of us sleep around excessively but for some reason we don't think we'd be called classy girls, because in our minds a classy girl is Kate Middleton and we're nothing like her.

Any ideas?


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east asians guys, the least interest in the UK?

I am east asian myself. Are east asian guys the least favoured as partners when it comes to dating within the UK ?

You would rarely see east asian guys with anyone apart from east asian girls. East asian girls are favoured heavily by males in the UK. But it seems that east asian guys are of least interest for females.

To be honest, I am just curious if anyone else noticed this. And to be honest, I'm going to see "no thats not true" blah blah blah, but its obviously true


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Still virgin at 18.


I am 18 and still virgin. I started uni this September. I never wanted to do it with a random person so still virgin. If my friends ask me whether I am virgin or not, what should I do? I am really nervous that my friends ask me this one day...


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Would you be impressed if your crush went oxbridge? even if...

...they later dropped out?

your opinion?


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People are completely ****.

just started uni and have a wide circle of friends. at the end of the day no one really cares about you. they are just interested in furthering their own happiness and popularity. if you're upset they don't give one flying ****. just use you but when you actually need them, they are not there.


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