instead of dating whilst living at separate addresses? What happens, does the love grow, or does it become stale and unexciting as you get to know details of their habits.
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instead of dating whilst living at separate addresses? What happens, does the love grow, or does it become stale and unexciting as you get to know details of their habits.
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Okay I have a girlfriend and we are deeply in love and i know i would never cheat on her, but I went to Zante and on the second from last night me and my pals were hitting up some beers and shots next thing you know I have cleared my bank account the next day and woken up legally married to some chick, she has just added me on facebook and we are both young and clueless about how this has happened. How do i break the news to my girlfriend that I am now married.
Please help me out guys i mean my parents are going to kill me, I don't think i even got a honeymoon.
I have asked my friends but they cant seem to contain themselves and just laugh hysterically about the situation. its all getting me rather down i don't want a wife. hoping its all some sort of sick joke.
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I met my boyfriend online and we've been together for just 3 months. He's 5 years older than me(I'm 25) and often talks about marriage and having kids but usually makes a joke of it. I do feel like I see a future with him and he says the same.
The other night we were watching 'Don't tell the bride' and he said 'Do you want to marry me?' I was shocked and said 'I don't know it's too soon to be thinking about that' and he seemed a little disappointed! Do you think he was digging? Or just joking? I know he doesn't mean 'Right now'...
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I have a long term gf, usual story, nothing too interesting for you, pretty, good personality, we are there for each other etc etc etc.
I have a girl on the side, who knows I have a main gf, but we very rarely talk about her, and me and this girl mess about, see each other and its kinda nice, no strings attached. I like her because shes proper stunning, with an almost perfect body (shes a dancer and she told me shes a model but I couldnt be asked to research that). And she likes me because I have a decent (i suppose) car, I take her out, make her laugh.
I think its pretty good, obviously the main one does not and will not ever know. But why does she need to? Im NOT neglecting her in any way, I still see her, talk or text every day etc. Infact I would go as far as saying Im probably better to both of them than most guys are to their girls.
I have been attacked by my female friends and accused of being this, that and whatever - just ruining my image by spreading negative s*** about me.
But I just do not understand why people are making a stupid deal out of this? No one is going to get hurt because the main one will not find out.
PLEASE remember NO-ONE is getting hurt, so why the problem? In this situation there are 3 happy people and 0 unhappy people, no one is getting hurt.
And to the mods, I want to talk about my relationships because I cant discuss these things with my friends because you dont talk about these things in my social circle. Its nice I have a voice here to put my frustrations. I believe I am a decent person.
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Ok basically I've been with my boyfriend over two years and it's been no smooth ride due to different things.
However about 6 months ago a girl started posting on his Facebook wall using pet names names and loads of x's and stuff. She lives in a difference country/part of the UK
I asked him who she was and he said it's a girl he met online years ago and used to flirt with. Obviously this made me weary I trusted him and believed him when he said that there had been no flirting since we have been together. So it was pretty much left like that. But the last few months the wall posts and pet names have started again, although from what I can see of what he replies he isn't reciprocating.
What's making me weary is that he likes every photo she uploads to Facebook, so it's making think maybe there's more going on it private message.
Does it sound like I have something to worry about or am I just over thinking?
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Before I write this I just want to say I have nothing against Americans.
I am a 19 year old girl and I went 4 dates with an American. He is studying in England.
I want to know if this is because he's American or if it's just the way he is. Ever since I gave him my number he's been slightly over bearing as in texting me the most cringiest text messages ever.
When I was on the date with him he was VERY over complimentary as in telling me how awesome I am and how great he thinks I am, to the point where I had to tell him to stop because it was making me feel really uncomfortable. He even asked me if he could ''make-out'' with me and he was like you should come to America with me, we will all love you over there, especially my friends, they love British chicks :o.
Whenever I say a word that he hasn't heard he asks me to repeat it because apparently my British accent is adorable and hilarious
Am I the weird one for finding it so uncomfortable? I've been with British guys who are slightly clingy but this is just on a whole other level.
I kind of feel he only likes me because of where I am from......anyone have any experience of dating Americans? I know I can't really generalise but I'm just wondering if it has anything to do with him being American as I know they are known to be kind of over the top and stuff.
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Sorry, I know that this isn't the right forum but I didn't know where else I could post anonymously.
Anyway, about a week ago I had a debate with someone over twitter. It was quite a tame debate, it wasn't really abusive but when I thought he was getting to the point where he could lose control I ended the communication and thought nothing of it.
Fast forward five days and I see his profile come up again while looking at other people's thoughts on the issue. I clicked onto his profile and there have been several pictures uploaded, of my face, with text that implies I'm well...a sexual deviant.
I've reported it but I'm so upset. I like to think of myself as a moral person and I didn't think that from a debate on twitter I'd be accused of the things I have been, along with my picture being used. All allegations are completely untrue and although I don't think he meant them seriously (just to offend me), they are serious and have affected me quite a bit this evening. I don't know the individual aside from our brief exchange five days ago.
It has been up for several days now. I'm not sure how many other people have seen them as I use the photo on other social media accounts. I cannot bear people thinking I am what he has suggested I am.
I've reported it but is there anything else I can do? I'm really upset by it.
Thank you in advance :).
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Ive been stood up by a guy I genuinely liked and Ive been stood up by a friend multiple times. In the heat of the moment, Id think about going home and have myself a little cry but somehow, each time Ive ended up with pizza instead. :o
Has it ever happened to you? How do you deal with it? Especially when you're looking fine as ****
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Well, I have a friend who is currently resitting for her final examinations (mathematics and science) and she doesn't seem to be really serious about it.
She asked me to help her out and I told her that she is going to have to go 100% with me. Since we don't live in the same area I told her I could help her via texts but we still meet on Wednesdays.
The first week started off bumpy and she kept on procrastinating and telling me that helping her via text doesn't work and she needs a face to face meet. I told her for time being that we should just make 'lemons with lemonade', for that reason I use images and videos to broaden things up.
Last week there was no communication with her and later told me her mom was sick, I told her okay she should nurse her mom but study whenever she can, she didn't.
There's 10 weeks left until she writes and I still have to teach her Pre-calculus, Calculus, Trigonometry, Euclidean Geometry, Statistics, Chemistry and others.
I get that she has a life outside school but whenever I tell her to work harder so that she can get into university/college she tells me that I keep pushing her and I don't think she likes it but when it comes to resitting for examinations, shouldn't I push her? Should I just let her be and help her whenever she asks me (which she only does when we meet on Wednesdays)? Should I not give her assignments and tasks to complete?
I also have to study a lot of stuff - I have a life too.
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