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Is life too short to stay with someone like this?

I love my husband very much, he is warm, funny, charming, handsome, all of it. Problem is, I never see him.

He works for his family's business and makes his own hours. On the average he is gone from 8am-7pm, 7 days a week. I have made every effort to meet him for lunch, do something early before work, come visit him at his job if he has some down time and it fits in with my schedule (I have flexible hours also) but he is always too busy, most times won't even respond to my calls/texts. I have tried everything to get us to spend a little more time together. I used to make dinner and wait for him to come home but I just stopped. I got tired of waiting. I eat alone now.

I work a full time job too. However, I actually get paid. Husband does not make a paycheck, he pays for his immediate needs from his family's business account (clothes, food, gas, etc) but isn't concerned at all about saving up a nest egg for the family that we both eventually want to have. We have a joint account for our shared expenses and I feel horrible that I have to harass him to put money in each month to pay 50% of our bills.

I question whether I even want to have a family with this man. If he won't make time for me he won't make time for his children, and if we wanted to buy a house, send the kids to college, etc I fear I would have to foot the bill.

I see my friends taking daytrips with their husbands and spending time together and enjoying each others company, I am jealous of them. It is 7 o'clock now, I have already worked a full day, cooked dinner and done the household chores and husband is still not home. I doubt he is having an affair, I just think his priorities are messed up.

Is it wrong for me to want out, just because I want more from a marriage than I am getting? I don't want to sit around waiting for him to show up for so long that I miss my chance at a happy life.



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