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Boys, please speak to me about kisses at the end of texts!

I'm a girl, I've texted a fair few guys in my lifetime, and I was wondering....

Are kisses important in text exchanges?

Normally I don't fuss about them, I usually put none or one, depending on who I'm talking to, but it doesn't really bother me.

But guys I have texted tend to increase the number of x s from time to time, I'm assuming to indicate increased interest. But if I don't mirror the increase, the number of kisses stays as it was before. I always found this a bit silly and pedantic, because there are better and more fun ways to express interest- however the guys I've known haven't really got this, and they tend to take no increases of kisses to mean "I'm not interested".

Why do guys do this? Why is it so important to them?
Is it a big deal?!? What is the point?? Do most guys do this??

I just feel a bit silly and cringey when I join in. I don't even know how you'd define the difference between "x" and "xxx".....

Talk to me!!


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