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Where is he when I need him?

Right now, he's sleeping in another room and I don't know why.

H and I have been married almost 4 yrs and its not the first time he's given me the silent treatment, even though each time he promises it will be the last. I can usually see it coming, this time I have no idea.

My great grandmother died last week. I had to travel to see her, he didn't offer to come, but with responsibilities at work I understood. I asked him to request today off for the funeral which he did. I came home after one night away, needing some love, compassion, just a hug really! Nothing,not even a kiss goodnight. Nothing since then either, just occasionally asking me 'what's wrong?

The 'wake' made him uncomfortable with so many people he didn't know so we left after about 15 minutes, which made me sad as there were many cousins I wanted to see/comfort.

He slept the whole 4hr drive home, had a shower, told me he was going to have a late night as he's not been able to play any games for the past week (he's played at least 3hrs every night) but would probably nap first.

When I came to bed an hour later he wasn't there. First sign of trouble. Went in to spare room asked him why he was there? No answer, yes, I know for a fact he was awake.

I could write more, but I am just struggling to understand why he would do this to me, today of all days. The answers in my own head (he doesn't care, he doesn't love me, he's not capable of giving the comfort I need) seem awful, but more and more likely.

The wost thing is that last week I would have said we were going along better than ever...
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