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Does family really need to come first?

I don't really no where to start, I have always had family problems between me and my mother mainly but now my twin sister as well. Let me explain this as easily as I can.

I have a wonderful boyfriend who I met online, I'm currently living with him but will be leaving back home to New Hampshire after Christmas. When I was living in New Hampshire with my mom, my sister, and my mothers bf it was not that great.

My sister was wanting to get into weed, me and my bf told her our opinions on any kind of drug. That backfired, she did not like my bf at all after that. He did apologize for getting into her buisness. Me and my sister then had a whole lot more problems because I was starting to realize what a bitch she was. Sorry for the language. She was lazy, she never helped out around the house no matter how many times I had told her...which usually involved me yelling because I was sick of doing it all. Once she broke my tablet on accident and would not even apologize, she said I deserved it.

Then she started getting into physical fights with our mother who is emotionally abusive so I can understand why she would want to but my sister was egging her on all the time. She started reminding me of our mother and I always had to seperate them.

The day before I left to be with my bf I told my sister I liked nude photobraphy, she flipped out all judgmental..told my mom. Who flipped out, they both called me names, my mother took my sisters side and would not try to listen to me.

I left, did not speak to my mother for a few weeks after. She acted like she did nothing wrong and blamed everything on me. I hated calling her on the phone, she always guilt tripped me or tried to make me feel sorry for her. She did the whole " you don't know how hard life is, I went through hell and I had a job at 15 and you barely cleaned the house" I did clean, all the time. I was also there when we were going through hard times, she just thinks she is the only one who has the right to feel depressed or feel anything at all.

My sister won't speak to me, she made it clear she would rather choose her bf. I just don't understand, I did nothing wrong. I tried to talk to her, she said I was a bitch and I am stupid. She told me it was because I blocked her bf, I blocked her bf because he was being completely out of line about the nude photography. What is so wrong with nude photography? They act like I am an evil person for not believing it is wrong and that I need to take there advice because I am going to degrade myself online and be a whore...which I am not at all!

As for my mother? She thinks I should call her everyday because she is a great mom who made some mistakes along the way but was never abusive in any way. I told her how I felt, how her calling me a whore all the time hurt. She said she just teased and that I am to sensitive.

My mother is crazy, she can be okay sometimes but she will explode over anything. She has talked about suicide multiple times, she drinks like a sailor. She blames everything on anyone she can, mainly me and my twin but now mainly me. Her bf is a big pussy that lets her shit on him and agrees with anything. He has told me that he hates when she acts like this but they think they are "soulmates". I wonder if he is codependent. If she lost something she will scream until someone helps her and then say "if you do not find it I will turn the power off in your room" once my sister said she liked bisexuals and gay people. My mom called us satanic and threatened to tell everyone in our family that my sister was bisexual. Which I actually am and I am scared of her finding out.

I really do not want to go back but I have to, I wish my sister would understand. I don't know what to do. I am finally living with nice people with normal problems where they do not go insane on you and I know my mother will give me hell for not calling her. I did the other day and it went bad..Now I just choose not to.

Sorry this is so long. I know everyone say's family comes first but my I just can't. I love my gram and some others more as family but they are all trapped together, they all choose to deal with my mother and I dont want to. I choose to not be bullied and I think that is why my mother thinks I am the most selfish because I want to live my own life away from it all. I just want to say what I believe in, say I am bisexual and am dating someone who does not really believe In religion. She would go crazy.


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