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How do you find a good counselor?

I feel like I have so many issues and to be honest I'm not sure what to focus on...insecurity, possibly depression, I'm a new mom so maybe some ppd?, issues from my parents, death in the family, feeling a lack of close family and close friends.

Husband has own issues he is going to work on too and last night we had an argument and he lost his temper, hit the counter with his fist and it kind of scared me. I went into a bit of a panic mode, he has never done anything but I was already upset and emotional. Baby started crying, he picked her up and I said something (don't remember) and he started yelling while he was holding her (she started crying) and honestly that scared I said please give her to me. I walked away with baby because I just didn't like the whole thing, I never want to feel like that again. He apologized after walking away and calming down. I told him I've been working on my reaction to things (like thinking and then talking instead of flipping out and accusing like I used to do to him) and he needs to too and that kind of reaction can never happen again. I felt like I was in mama bear protector mode. I know a lot of this stems from sleep deprivation, other stressors and my own issues. It was just a bad argument and it made me more upset overall in addition to other stressors.


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