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Flatmates keep inviting me for nights out but I lack confidence

I got drunk the first time in my life during Fresher's week where I ended up humiliating myself. I smoked a cigarette and gave a guy a 'blowjob' which I wouldn't dream of doing had I been sober. I become two very different people - an introvert when sober and a very evocative, forward person when I'm drunk. That's not necessarily a bad thing because I also become more sociable and I've made some great friends through drink so far.

My flatmates are the kind of people who enjoy nights out at clubs. One of them smokes and is very 'slutty' and sexually suggestive. I hear here stories of how she 'got off with a huge black guy' in the morning when she's lying in the kitchen the morning after. That's fine because I'm sure most students want to get laid, you know NSA sex, without any relationship. I've had people suggest threesomes and such like.

So my flatmates keep inviting me on nights out and since it's the last night of freshers - or was - I bought a ticket for a fiver and went off in a taxi to a club. This would be my first ever club experience. We waited 15 minutes to enter though considering there was in excess of 2000 student. I told my flatmate that I didn't want to be abandoned and she said she'd take care of me. I was slightly dubious of this because I'm sure she would when she's drunk.

Unfortunately (and this is the purpose of this thread) I never got to see that because I left after the first 15 minutes. It was chaos. There were people throwing up outside. People having sex in the toilets, used condoms on the floor and in the sink. I was crammed in the room with no room to dance. It was too loud to talk. You literally had to scream to make yourself heard. I said to her well what's the point if you can't do any of these things and she said 'just have fun'. I told her well how can I have fun if I'm standing back to back with no room to move? The thing is with night clubs is that you have to be attractive to get any kind of satisfaction from them because if you can't talk then people will only gravitate towards you provided you are attractive.

The whole experience was cheap and grotty. I felt degraded and - I would rather sit in and watch a movie whilst getting drunk with a group of friends. I've had sex before and it's nothing special. I think clubs are for those people who want sex - or feel entitled to have a lot of sex because of their attractiveness.

I don't like the entire approach Fresher's week has. We are all branded with wristbands like cattle - another statistic. I would much rather spend my money in a classy wine bar with a friend(s) then have some dunked teen knock me around - albeit unintentionally - but still unpleasant nonetheless.

After 15 minutes of arriving at the club, I ditched my flatmates and caught a taxi back home. I felt so liberated doing this - I rose above the filth so to speak.

I couldn't give a damn if my flatmates didn't invite me out again. I'd rather stay by myself than be branded and judged at a club for whatever reason. As I said, I've been drunk- at one stage I was drinking pure vodka. I managed to lock myself outside of my room half naked being exploited. Security was called to get me back in again. Ugghh... I felt so ashamed but it was admittedly it was fun at the time.


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