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She wants out and somethings' fishy

My wife and I of ten years just seperated. She wanted it , I begged for mercy( WTF do men do this?), didnt work to say the least . After a few days, cooler heads prevailed and I agreed that its a good idea. I even helped her find a place to rent. She agreed to go to marriage counceling and says she'll try but that she doesnt have much hope.

Some background. Info.. Sorry its so long. My wife suffers from depression. First, Post partum depression, then four years ago she got mono(at 36), bed ridden for months, couldnt recuperate. Doctors believed it morphed into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She lost her job and then got severly depressed, borderline suicidal. She gained a bunch of weight, Finances got tight, laundry piled up ..stress, stress, stress! I had to burden the lions share of responsiblities. Half the time I was supportive the other half I was bitter and bummed out about the situation and I withdrew emotionally and physically. I thought about leaving her but wouldnt dare in her state. She wouldnt go to a mental health counselor, blaming it all on her CFS..

Then she started to write a book. ( shes a super talented and published writer)

She seemed to start getting better and then destiny worked its magic wand. A well known agent heard her do a reading of her book and eventually wanted to be her agent. She was estatic! But this guy seemed to have alterior motives. We disscussed this at great length and she confronted him about it and told her that she loved her husband very much and that she was very loyal. Well.... They start working together alot and he eventually offered her a job as his asisstant. This guy is older..55 and married and supposedly a devout christian. I got to know him better and was assured that nothing was going on... yet. Meanwhile our relationship was going much better. Things seemed great.... then she went to NYC on a business trip with him and three other agents ( all women BTW) When she came home something was up. She was cold, and withdrawn.. I asked her several times what was going on, and no, no, just tired. Then...Bamo that weekend she says shes moving out. I immedietly broug ht up an affair and she swares to God, Budda and Pan that no, no, never , not a single solitary shred of attraction for this guy. OK.. it was more about my treatment of her during the rough years and that we've grown apart.

I of course did the man trap thing and begged for forgiveness..didnt work but she did agree to marriage counceling.. I wanted to give her some time and space and I took our seven year old son a road trip for a week while she packed her things. We will be heading back home today and we are going to have a nice dinner and tell our baby that we're gonna try an experiment to see if Mommy and Daddy can get along better.

Im really struggling right now on multiple levels.. Is she really having an affair? and if so then fine its over...I cant control that. But if its something I can do, I will do whatever it takes to save this. I believe she still loves me... Just a couple weeks ago it was a normal loving relationship. Now its just weird.. Updates to come. Any insights.?

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