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Has anyone (or anyone's H) used Cordell & Cordell?


All I can say is I'm buckling my seatbelt and getting ready for a long and painful (and expensive)divorce.

STBXH has retained "Dad-friendly", "pro-father" Cordell & Cordell. According to the reviews, they are not well respected, not recommended by the state Bar Assoc (in my state), and are pretty much a high-priced racket.

When I retained a lawyer, I went to the state Bar Association and got recommendations. I didn't inquire whether they were "mom-friendly", primarily because I'm not looking for a pyrric victory...I want to end my marriage. And this is the ONLY way to do it.

I have informed him that he should have looked at more firms before making a decision.

Yet, he was set on C&C, because (according to him) he needed to "quickly find someone to represent him, since he's only been served 2-weeks ago [and] I AM CAUSING ALL OF THIS DRAMA BECAUSE I WANT A DIVORCE!!!"

Ok, fine.

As the opposing party, I understand it's somewhat inappropriate for me to "council" him on legal advice, yet he is the father of my children and despite wanting to D him, I'm not an ogre; and I don't want him screwed (financially) either. So I did encourage him to read some of their reviews. He basically told me that "this is all my fault" [and to] "go to hell."


Besides, the more money they get, the less goes to our kids.

On the internet, C&C is known as "anti-mother", "pro-dad". Yet, beyond trying to make us out to be "crack-smoking, abusive, manipulative, cheating, gold-diggers" (which most judges are prepared for, and most of us moms are not), they do not really represent their clients well.

So after cleaning out his bank account to retain them, some paralegal in the office decided to take a peek at the court case docket, and informed him that he has an "emergency hearing scheduled for 7/1, in front of a judge."

What's interesting is that he knew this....

Also, this information (temp motions) was given to my husband when he was served. As well as the upcoming 7/1 courtdate.

Yet, after speaking with C&C (and dropping a ridiculous retainer), he is now convinced that at the hearing on 7/1 that:

1- I WILL request that the judge kick him out
2- I WILL make allegations of physical abuse, terroristic threats and that I fear for my safety
3- I WILL have him arrested on these allegations and file a temp order of protection
3- I WILL PERMANENTLY take his kids
4- I WILL take half of his paycheck until the divorce is final.

Um...ok. so now C&C attorneys are psychic mediums?

BTW, I have NO INTENTION TO DO ANY OF THESE THINGS. I just need him to stop threatening me, act like an adult, accept his part of the responsibility for this failed marriage, get through this divorce with as amicable of a resolution keeping the KIDS NEEDS PRIMARY, and basically stop playing the same trifiling head-games he's played throughout this marriage.

My attny filed a hearing for temp maint, CS, temp phy custody.


Yet, all he can see is that I WANT TO KICK HIM OUT, get him arrested and go in his pocket!


Ironincally, HIS OWN BEHAVIORS WHICH PRECIPITATED THE TEMP ORDER, are a non-issue. Yet, that C&C has told him that I will do this because...well, that's what we women-folk do!

So now, my husband has become the most irritated, annoyed and angry SOB ever!

Thanks C&C! Now if he becomes abusive because you've scared the sh* t out of him, well...I hope your attorneys have criminal law experience and can defend him.

Anyone else have experience with these folks?

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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