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I'm a shell of who I used to be...

I'm feeling kind of sorry for myself at the moment so I apologise for the negativity and selfishness in the post.

This was all catalysed by my old best friend's 18th birthday the other day. I was best friends with her from the age of 5 until we went off to different secondary schools. We were in a little group and we were the "popular ones" (it sounds so pathetic saying this, I know you don't need to tell me lol). For her 18th birthday she is going to a club tonight with loads of her friends including the girls who used to be in our little group, they seem to have kept in touch but obviously I haven't.

It seems like everyone has grown up and stayed the same whereas I'm a complete shell of who I used to be. Up until like year 9 I was confident and guys always liked me, etc. Then from year 9 I'm like a hermit. I'm not 18 and in my second year of college and all of my old friends (even friends I had up until year 11) have all moved on onto better things. They seem to have found themselves and just became confident.

They all wear make-up and dress well and just look amazing. They actually look like teenagers whereas it's like I'm still looking like an 11 year old with no make-up, dull hair and dull clothes. On Facebook even girls who weren't popular at all have found themselves and are now always out with friends and stuff. I seem to have gone down hill whilst everyone else has gone up hill.

On Facebook literally everyone goes to this night club every Saturday - and I mean everyone. People I've known since I was 5, peopel from my secondary school, people from my college. Whereas I'm sat in on a Saturday night revising.

My life is literally so dull. It's so lonely that I get really depressed on Fridays because I like being at college surrounded by people, even if I'm not friends with many/any of them. I've never been to a night club, never been drunk, never even held hands with a guy, etc. It's just so dull.

I feel embarrassed of how I ended up. It's like I've gone from a swan to the ugly duckling.

Has anyone been through anything like this? I'd really love some advice. Thanks.

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