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how much input should non-working spouse have

I'm asking this in the men's forum because it pertains to my situation, but certainly if roles are reversed, women, feel free to chime in. :)

My husband is the main bread-winner. I stayed home when the kids were younger, and now only work part-time...25-30 hours, so I can take care of all kid/household related stuff.

6 years ago he was frustrated with his job and saw an opportunity for advancement elsewhere, so switched jobs. I didn't like the idea of a switch, because while there was more opportunity, the hours were much worse..both in number hours and time of day. However, he was the one having to go to work every day so I voiced my opinion, and then had to let it go. At the time he expected advancement to happen in a yr. to 18 mos.. The advancement would not only be more money, but would allow much more flexibility and time for family.

Well, as these things go, circumstances changed at the company, and a hold was put on while he is still up for the position, there is no timeline as to when it will happen, if at all.

Recently an opportunity opened up where he could stay at his current position, same pay, but much more flexibility in schedule so he would be able to be home more. However, he would have to forego ever advancing to the position he wants to get to. I would be fine with that. I am not a big spender at all..have very little clothing, old car, HATE shopping..I ask for and can live on very little. The kids are well taken care of in every way.

So I wanted him to take it. He has missed out on so much family time for the past 6 years. Our kids who were 5 and 9 when he took the job, are now 11 and almost 16. He has missed most of their sports events, school functions, etc.. He works weekends so only see the kids on the occasional work many nights also.

He has decided to continue on his quest for advancement. I am starting to get really resentful at the fact that all his time and passion goes into the job and his "job" as a husband and father always takes second seat.

Am I wrong??

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