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An easy way to increase your confidence

I think a key part about increasing your alpha and manning up is to increase your confidence. I know there are many ways to do this, but I have to say that subliminal messaging CDs are extremely effective.

I bought this subliminal message CD that gives me positive affirmations subconsciously all about increasing my confidence. You listen to the ocean or the wind but underneath are the statements. The point is that it bypasses your conscious mind which would block or not agree with the statements and gets to your subconscious where real changes take place. You start believing them and act differently as a result.

I listen to it all the time now and even in my sleep. Within weeks I have seen my confidence increase a lot. I just feel better about myself all around, don't get nervous in social situations, and feel confident in talking to anyone. I also feel like it's helping me progress in my career, motivated to reach for higher positions whereas before I was held back by my own insecurities.

I'm not trying to advertise something because I don't work for any such company, but just wanted to help other guys who might have confidence issues. There are a lot of websites that sell this kind of stuff, but if anyone wants to know the one I used, you can pm me and I can let you know. I got this CD which is silent, but still gives positive affirmations meaning i can play it anywhere and no one even knows it's on. It's just on play and constant repeat on my smart phone without disturbing anyone.

Some statements that apparently it says are...
"I am confident.
I am a naturally confident person.
Confidence comes naturally to me.
I am growing more and more confident every day.
I am confident within myself."

Anyways, everyone can use a little confidence boost. Alpha up and prosper. V

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