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She doesn't want to talk to me anymore!

Three weeks ago, I randomly started talking to a girl that goes to my college; we started talking as soon as I sat next to her in a cafe at my college. We both enjoyed the conversation, so much so that we added each other on facebook. I started seeing her more regularly at the section of the library that I usually study at; I would chat to her briefly, each time I saw her.

A week later, I decided to flirt with her a bit because I didn't want her to friend zone me - I thought she was single. A few hours after flirting with her, she messaged me to inform me that she is taken. She still wanted me to be her friend, and so did I. That very same day, we both found out that we share the same personality type; I was so excited when she told me that. Our conversations became deeper and more meaningful the second we found out.

But then the strangest thing happened the very next day... She unfriended me on facebook. At first, I assumed it was her boyfriend that made her do it. After politely asking her why I was unfriended, she told me that the reason why she unfriended me is because she wasn't sure if it was a good idea to keep in contact with me considering she knows that I like her more than a friend. I tried my very hardest to convince her that I have no feelings for her, and that I will prevent that from ever interfering with our friendship, but she still insisted in cutting contact with me. She eventually blocked me that very same day, before unblocking me the next day (for unknown reasons). Her reasoning is that she fears that I will develop stronger feelings for her if I keep talking to her. Yet, she still wants to to talk to her IN PERSON whenever I see her; she wants us to be acquaintances.

This girl has really confused me. Does anyone have any advice?


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