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My boyfriend has a thing for my close friend?

So I have a problem.

I don't know whether I'm just overreacting or being stupid or both. :confused:

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 months (spent 2 years being very good friends before that). I'm very happy with our relationship and I love him. He's very caring, very patient, very intelligent, etc. We always have a good time together. And I think I can confidently say that I've had the best 8 months of my life.

But lately I've noticed that he seems to have a bit of thing for one of my friends let's call her Anne. She's in many ways like me, the same sense of humour, but she's more outgoing and chatty than me. They don't really know each other, they've met each other obviously, but they don't have anything in common apart from the fact that they know me.
He asks me a lot about her. And last night when I asked him "So what you've been up to?" He said "Oh well just been facebooking with Anne" which kind of made me think "Okay...what the hell...?!"

My boyfriend knows that she's one of my closest friends, and he always tells me how he wants to get to know my friends a little bit better. But the thing is, I don't even hang out with them that much! I've just finished school, should be going to uni next year (he's already at uni), so the friends I've got at the moment, they are my school friends I've never really hung out with them outside of school, and to be honest I don't really have time to do that. They are my mates, I repect them and I'm there for them if they need me, I just don't really want to/have time to hang out with them.
Anne is throwing a party tomorrow evening, and she's invited both of us. I won't be able to go due to family circumstances, so I kind of wasn't really expecting my boyfriend to go either, but he said "Yeah I might go, it looks like it's gonna be fun."

I'm sorry. I know that this all sounds rather pathetic, but I really don't feel comfortable with him hanging out with my mates without me. He doesn't know them at all for God's sake!! What has he got to do with them? And I don't particulalry feel comfortable with him constantly chatting to my friend Anne, because again, what have they got to do with each other? I don't know how much he talks to her, and I don't know what they talk about. And I'm really really worried that he might have some kind of crush on her. (She's very flirty, attractive and charming. Everyone falls in love with her. It's hard not to.)

This is ridiculous, I'm sorry. I think that I should talk to him about it, but I don't want to sound like one of those bitchy, whiny girls who try to control their partners, I don't want to do that. I just don't feel comfortable with it. I mean I'm not trying to be friends with any of his male mates am I? Why should he?
If I tell him that I'm not comfortable with it, it will make me no different to other girls who get their pants in a twist every time they don't like something. The reason why he likes me I think is because I'm not whiny and I don't interfere with his social life.

What do I do? Do I just ignore it, and pray for it to blow over, or do I do something? (e.g. talk to him or talk to her.)

Please help.

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