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How do I rip the band-aid off?

Please excuse the name, it was the first username that came to mind. Also, please excuse the rambling and poor grammar (and the reasoning behind the username becomes revealed). I just really need to get this off my chest, and I'm too stupid or too much in denial to do this when I'm sober.

My girlfriend and I have been dating for well over a year now. I like watching television with her, playing games with her, talking with her, having sex with her, and generally just spending time with her. The problem is, I really need to break up with her.

I could go on and on about the reasons I need to break up with her. I could explain how we get in fights over nothing, that last far longer than they should. I could discuss in length how even though we're compatible, we have very few interests in common. I could even talk about our major differences in sexuality, and how I don't dare discussing things with her for fear of feeling ashamed or freaking her out. But all that is besides the point. It just isn't working out, and I need to break up with her.

The problem is, I can't do it. I'm going through a great deal of stress in my life right now, and I figure breaking up with someone who helps alleviate that stress is the last thing I need. I've really invested in this girl. I've fallen in love with her family, who is so much more supportive and understanding than mine. I'm deeply involved with her friends, many of whom have become close friends of mine. Most of all I've been in love with her for so long, it's hard to imagine not being able to be with her anymore.

She is really stressed right now too, and I know it would devastate her. She was a virgin when we first met, and like the stereotypical virgin she is highly attached to me. She will tell me she misses me literally every time I leave her, and often more than once. A few months ago after a particularly bad fight, we agreed to try taking a week long break. She broke after the first day of not communicating, drove to my house, and basically begged for us to stay together. I was happy with the break, but I couldn't tell her what I needed to. I couldn't break her heart like that, not after all we've been through. I caved as well, and we've been together since.

So how do I do it? How do I get the courage to hurt the person I've grown so fond of for nearly two years? How do I rip this band-aid off?

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