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How does one make oneself attractive to males?

If one was not born with an aesthetically pleasing, conventional face and glossy, bouncy hair.

I have always been the "minger". Throughout primary and secondary school. I didn't do anything to make myself unattractive, I just was. I'm not fat. I'm slim and I don't smoke, drink alcohol, eat rubbish. I must admit I don't exercise much though. I have reasonably good hygiene, I pluck my eyebrows, take care of my lips and nails and hands. I moisturise and have a skin care routine. My unattractiveness just comes from my naturally hideous face structure, which I can do nothing about! My bone straight, dull, frizzy hair that refuses to do anything doesn't help matters either.

So how else can naturally unattractive girl like myself improve my looks? I know I should provide a picture, but I wouldn't feel comfortable with that. Just any general tips I would really appreciate. There is a male I really, really like, but how can I attract him to me when every other girl is naturally pretty and I am not? How can I make the best out of my looks?

Any help would be extremely appreciated!

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