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Where to begin?

I am not perfect. I know that. I do try hard, though, and have done my best to be a good husband, father (3 ages 14/13/9). have never been the best communicator though.

Things got extra rough when I lost a very good job (thru no fault of my own) and went into a career nosedive five years ago. Got another promising job that didn't work out, lasted a year. Went back to school for Nursing, graduate May 2014. I have a great job that I love but pay sucks (30K + medical for family).

She works hard and has shouldered a heavy burden which has hung over our marriage since this started 5 yrs ago. Whats mine was hers unconditionally, but not the other way around. One more year, though and I am back on track, looking forward, thinking long term, golden years, etc... (I am 45, she is 41).

Well she couldn't wait. She lied, has been lying. Told me ten days ago and we finally layed it out last night. 3 guys in total (that I know of), 2 one nighters going way back and 1 current relationship (he is thrice divorced, 65+ and understands what she is going thru). We had planned to go out and talk tonight. I went to work last night for a four hour extra shift. She called him and went to dinner, making sure to be home when I got back. WTF? Left the kids there. Lord help me, its hard to control my rage.

Anyway, this is where I begin, There is soooooooooo much more that factors into this. I think I know what everyone will say. I am scared, though, of the future and I don't what next steps to take. I feel completely alone. Help me, please.

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