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Does he still like me?

Basically, there is this boy who's my age (17) who I have known for nearly two years. We had strong chemistry from the moment we met, and everyone told me he likes me etc. Then a couple of weeks later we started texting, then gradually it built up so we texted each other about four times a week! He told me soon after we met he thought I was really pretty etc, then he asked me on a date a couple of months ago, and he's really nice and calls me beautiful and everything:) He's normally the one to start texts, but I do sometimes, anyway a couple of days ago he asked me if I wanted to go out again, and I said yes, then I made some suggestions about what I thought we should do, I mentioned about three possible things, and I have to admit my message was quite long, they normally are;) so I was expecting him to reply straight away, as we were mid conversation, but he didn't. . He replies the next day, but just to say "hi" as if he completely ignored my previous message asking him wha t he wanted to do on the date... I just feel like I spent quite a long time thinking of ideas yet he didn't even acknowledge he had seen it.
Then we get talking again, and I don't mention it, because I assume he's just thinking of a reply. But the conversation soon sort of quietened down, and neither of us had anything much of interest to say, so I said "anyway...." As if wanting to change the subject, but he misunderstood and replied quickly with "yeah?" As if he thought I wanted to ask him something.... I said "nothing..." Then he says, possibly in a jokey way, I couldn't tell, "that was a waste of a minute"... Then he quickly says he's going to sleep, bye xxx. I don't know why but I feel I'm annoying him... Like I'm not satisfying him, or that he was expecting me to say something like "I just wanted to say I think you're amazing blah blah blah" or something. He normally doesn't end the conversations so bluntly, although he normally is the first to end the convo... I mean, maybe I shouldn't expect him to be so talkative all the time, after all we aren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend, just going out...(.wha t would you call that?) but do you think he is growing less interested in me, which is why he didnt reply about my date ideas, even though he asked me out. and do you think he finds me a bit weird for saying "anyway..." Then "nothing..." Or am I just thinking into it too much?
Thanks :)

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