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I divorced about a year ago - and got into a new relationship very quick. I have a 9 year old son -- and I had shared custody -- but had geographical the final decree.

Well, my BF lived 3 hours away and when we started getting serious --- I started looking to relocate to his town. He is very established and has 3 kids there. I was planning on taking my son (and help my ex find a job).

Well, my ex husband freaked out and went for blood -- he claimed he didn't have good attorney and asked to have the divorce opened up again -- after getting a lot of family money for a new attorney. It worked.

Now -- my BF (fiancé) is freaking out about this -- he wants me to live 3 hours from my son with him and do the every other weekend thing... leaving my son with his father full time....

It's a possibility -- but the problem is that my BF knows that my ex still wants me back and he does not feel comfortable with me visiting my son alone -- 3 hours away. He feels compelled to ALWAYS be there....and it's become a BIG problem.

Do you think it's appropriate for me to be able to see my son (3 hours away) when I want to go visit -- alone? In addition -- there's another problem. My 9 year old wants me to play video games in his house etc ...and sometimes eating food in his house (ex's house). I don't have a home there ... I just moved away...

My biggest issue is I feel SO conflicted -- I love my BF but I don't think this is fair.

What would you do?


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