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How do I get over my feelings of inferiority to my ex's guy friend?

So yes, we're exes. And we're trying to be friends. It hurts. But sometimes it's nice.

I always felt she could do better than me. I think she is now.

She has a guy friend she calls Superman. I should note I constantly compare myself to others anyway unconsciously, but this is far too conscious. He is better than me in every way I can conceive at first glance.

He is better looking than me
He's better built-not as skinny, more muscular
He's smarter, and he's in the year below (he got a First in first year, I got 2.1. He's also doing a harder degree, Biology, as compared to me English and History)
He's funnier than me. He makes her laugh more.
He's into geeky stuff, like me, except he actually knows what he's talking about. He knows more.
He's more positive, more confident, more assertive, he dominates the conversation and holds her interest better than me.
He hasn't got a mental illness, I don't think, so +1 to him there over me.
He probably doesn't get tired the way I do sometimes, and if he does, he doesn't mention it. It won't stop him, because he's Superman!
He is generally a nicer guy than me, he must be.

I might as well say it, he's called Superman, I reckon he's got a bigger dick

This guy is just generally my superior and if I were her I'd cheat on me/dump me for him. Which has of course happened.

Of course she said they're 'just friends' but guess what now we're 'just friends'
She also said he doesn't like kids (unlike me) which I guess would work in my favour, but she said this about a week before the breakup, and the reason I'm good with kids is because I'm a big ****ing kid, I think she knows that

My inferiority complex over this guy and in general helped to destroy my relationship. I don't see the point in doing the whole 'love yourself' thing because it doesn't matter, he's still better than me and I'd still lose out in the end. He is objectively just a better human being and she deserves him over me. Why she's still friends with me I don't know.

I need advice of how to overcome this feeling.


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