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Girlfriend is always flip flopping

Me and my girlfriend have been together for 3 years and been living together for a year and a half. We have split up twice and have had many close calls. She has 2 kids that refer to me as their dad and say I'm the best boyfriend their mom has ever had.

The problem is always her. It's never me that wants to break up. It always comes out of nowhere. She will say I'm not romantic enough. We don't have all the same interests. Were not compatible because of that. She will say staying with a guy and settling down isn't something she can do.

She has a lot of issues. Her first husband (high school sweethearts) cheated on her from the time they met till they finally divorced. She's had a string of long term relationships since mostly with guys who took advantage from what she tells me. I told her tonight if we break up again that I want her to lose my number and forget me. My heart can't keep going through this. Having her and the kids torn from my life over and over is too painful.

She also has a lot of medical issues. She recently got started on anti depressants. She is waiting to see if she can get disability because of a string of other issues. She spends money profusely. She is making no money and already spent nearly $5k of her tax refund. She has a job but her doctor had her take a medical leave. Her short term disability has run out. Not that all that was need to know by any means.

Yesterday we were watching a show about vikings and she turns to me and says you should never let me watch shows like this. It only leads to trouble. Then went into her thing about not settling down. I simply said "honey if we break up it's not to do with incompatibility. It's because you got into another mood that no one can live up to your fictional idea of romance" she honestly believes love and romance is like in the movies and fairy tales. She says she's only truly happy when she's "hunting" but yet loves the idea of settling down.

I don't really know what to do anymore.


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