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Played a game with husband and wow...

Last night, hubby brought home a six pack at my request. No work today and just wanted to relax a little. So I decided to pull him into the bedroom a little early to play 20 questions. I made a list that had some questions from other games and a few of my own. I chose questions that were about each other strengths and not focus on our failings. I told him the only rules is to be honest and not try to give an answer of what we think the other wants to hear. We spent a couple minutes taking turns answering each question. The result was wow. Even the husband said to me I am glad we did this because these are things we should have known about each other.

I asked my husband to give me 5 qualities he likes about me. I honestly was expecting something like I like the way you cook or keep house. He told me I like how you are independent with your own interests and I don't have be a father substitute , I like that you show me respect to my face AND when I am not around, I like that you don't nag or whine unless you were put in that position, I like that you speak your mind to me, and I like that you are just as beautiful to me today as when we got married 16 years ago even if all you see are the wrinkles and gray hair.

We discovered we both have been wanting to try the same things regarding sex but didn't know how to ask the other.

We both want the same romantic gestures from each other and didn't know it.

I discovered why my husband "ignores" me. He admitted it turns him on when I am doing the chasing. I did tell that is fine but now on we share that one.

There was also a question about naming one thing we would like the other do to improve relationship. That was the only one that could have started an argument so we agreed it had to be a reasonable change and not an opportunity to say something mean like lose 50 pounds. I had to snicker at what he wanted me to do. He asked me not say I already heard that if he has retold the same story 20 times.

At the end, he told me "We have been through some major life stressors/bumps and we are still here. You are easy to be married to and if I can't make it you then I shouldn't be married. I have told you that in the past." I just looked at him and said you may have thought it but never told me that.


Put the internet to work for you.

via Personal Recipe 2629979

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