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My girlfriend is hard to converse with these days, what gives?


I have been with my girlfriend for about 1.5 years so far. I think its worth the mention that me and her were quite opposite to begin with. In terms of values; political beliefs, ideologies relating to sexual matters/marriage, and even how we would bring up future children.

She had a very traditional (old fashioned; almost Victorian) upbringing. He parents didn't believe in premarital sex, neither did her grandparents on both sides. They believe in the kind of outdated example of get married, buy a house (live together) and have children. It seems to have to happen like this.

They are a little bit kind of 'prim and proper' or think they are. Like they think they're right, and although they've been nice to me (and I respect them a lot), I know how they are due to my girlfriends attitudes and values.

In terms of my own character and values; I am pretty much liberal, open-minded and like to learn about different culture, and criticize myself and everything around me. I see life as a learning experience. I also value my education a lot. Although, I am not traditionalist in the sense of my girlfriend, and I don't look down on people, as can be implied by my girlfriends family. I am a curious person, whereas my girlfriend simply doesn't care, it is what it is, so why question it.

This isn't me slating her, but just setting the scene, and emphasizing the fact we are different people.

I am at university, and have a lot of ambition, would love to take her travelling the world and spoil her etc. Whereas she works in agriculture, with relatives, and wants to do that because its 'in her blood', and I guess her dream is to stay in the rural countryside.

I think the aforementioned adds to the fact that, for such a long time me and her have pretty much managed to get a long. We do love each other. But simply have polar opposite values, on many levels. We have since being together found commonalities with each other. But I feel that as the two year period looms, and with her working a lot more we talk less and less. More-so, with our opposite personality's it makes it harder to talk about things.

I fear that 1) She is growing bored of me

2) She is growing complacent with the relationship and the monotonous nature of doing the same thing over and over (due to not having a lot of time to spend with me.)

3) She will break up with me because she has less time to spend with me, and is struggling to keep up with work-life and relationship. Ultimately tiring herself out.

4) She just doesn't love me anymore.

5) She hasn't anything to talk to me about because of the above (4)

6.) She is depressed, due to family issues and working so hard.

7.) She is sick of dealing with me and my anxiety/depression and/or it has rubbed off on her and she is feeling low as a consequence.

TD;LR: My girlfriend talks less and less to me, (online usually since we see each other twice a week), and it concerns me. Responds with one word replies. Its harder to keep the flow going. We have nothing in common, and never have, but have kept the relationship going (despite this), and have found commonalities.

Any advice?


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