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Is it wrong to pretend to be interested in something because of someone you like?

I think people do this, I know I am anyway. I've started uni and on my freshers fair I started talking to political society, they seemed interesting enough and I gave my details but I didn't really think anything much of it, but there was a pretty good looking guy (let's call him xwho caught my eye.
Anyway fast forward 6 weeks, I finally went to one of their talks (my reasoning being that I should to broaden my horizons, and if X is there then that's just a bonus, also bonus going to the pub after) they talks were interesting enough but to be honest I'm not really fussed out it all, when I saw X I was really happy to see him and we just started talking, mostly about the political stuff, he was even impressed I took part in the discussion on my first meeting and said it was a great point (it didn't sound right to me anyway) and then going to the pub was great.
Same thing happened yesterday again, I wasn't really sure whether to bother going but I kinda just wanted to see X and talk again.
I feel really bad because he's really passionate about all this and I'm just kinda meh... I'm more into him than into the politics but if I don't go then I won't see him, I don't feel I know him well enough just to invite him out or something.

Am I doing something wrong or taking advantage of him or what?

Sorry it's a long rant...


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