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Hit by a truck

This is how I feel today.

It feels as if you wanted something desperately and I was standing in your way. You had a choice, you could either push me in the way of an oncoming lane of traffic with a speeding truck coming straight down it. You decided that you needed the object of your desire so much that you decided to push me in front of that speeding truck. Maybe you thought you could push me past the truck, or push me out of the way and not into the truck, either way, it was an acceptable risk to you.

So you pushed me and you went to get what you desired. You pushed me directly in front of the speeding truck and it hit me. It didn't kill me, what it did was tear my life apart, it broke every bone in my body, it messed me up mentally and physically and the pain is excruciating, it left me with pain that I will feel the rest of my life, it made me feel worthless that I was worth the risk of this, so that you could have something that you wanted.

Now, you are the only one that can heal me, you alone hold the medicine and cure that will relieve me of some of this pain, you are the only one that holds the key to the question of weather my life will ever be enjoyable again in this marriage. Most of the time you try to do your best to heal me, but there are times when you either forget to give me my medicine and I suffer for it, or times when you decide I don't need a certain medicine and you don't give it to me, even though I've asked for it and there are the times you've lied to me and told me you already gave me the medication when you hadn't. Every time that you do either of those things, either by mistake, carelessness or intention, I am the one that pays the price with my pain and suffering.


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via Personal Recipe 2629979

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