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I don't meet up with friends outside of college much

My family keep expressing concern because I never meet up with friends. I just go to college and then come home. I know that family friend's daughters all go out clubbing and have boyfriends so they compare those girls to me so I understand why they're concerned. But it really upsets me to think that they think I'm a loner with no social skills.

I have three best friends who I regularly message on Facebook who don't attend my college. I haven't seen them in quite a while but we're still close. I have a few people in my classes who I speak to regularly and sit next to. I feel like that's all I need?

Most people my age have a part-time job so can't meet up at the weekends anyway and my friends at college all live in the next town. I'm happy just meeting up with a friend like once a month.

I enjoy spending time in my room alone. But I feel like everyone pities me which makes me feel so embarrassed. Like my 10 year old brother will blurt out in a restaurant when we're having dinner with my extended family who I'm not close to that I have no friends and it just makes me feel so crappy. :(

Any advice please? :(



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